Safe Urban Filtering

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Advisory short film.

Police Motorcyclist Trainer, PC Roger Peskett, has a Go-Pro camera fitted to his helmet and commentates his route in an urban environment to identify hazards and give advice on filtering. #WithCaptions
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Good tip when filtering between lanes of traffic, is beware of the gaps! The most likely time for a vehicle to switch lanes in hurry is when a gap has opened up in the other lane for them to move into, especially if the other lane is moving faster.


Great video - very helpful. Can we have more please?


Thank you so much.
I don't know who you are but you have my respect as a person and a policeman.


Great video. I too wouldn’t pull up in front of the car at those lights as that’s Shirley High Street and they come down wide from right. A good example of where you can get caught out. In the fly over, there’s a lot get their phone out before heading into Totton whilst at the Newman lights, so probably best to stay in traffic and lose a minute or two.


Spot on Katie. What a state this country is now. I consider that having been born in ‘52 I experienced the best of days of this nation. I am one of those that fear for my offspring, but because of family roots and ties, I cannot think about upping and offing. If my situation was different then I would……. I feel sick to my stomach for all those lads and families who gave so much in WW2, only for this country to be the mess it is now….


Love watching Police motorcyclists ride. They make it look very easy. Thoroughly recommend the Bike Safe scheme. Great fun and pick up some very useful tips. Great video guys. Many Thanks.


Hi, I’m back in the saddle after a long break from biking. Your videos are excellent. I learned road craft when I was in the job. Thanks


Thanks, good solid sensible advice. More like this from authoritative sources would be welcome. I'll be sure to share this.


Awesome video! Lots of info in a nice short clip. Not too authoritative, just nice and advisory. Excellent!
More please!


Could you do some more of these videos please 👍🏍


Great video. The funny thing is that I've found it through one of the Polish websites about the motorcycles and safety ;-)


Thank you. For the advice Would be nice to see look-alike videos from police officers in our country too.


15mph over the speed of the traffic being passed is just a little quick imo.
This is my take on filtering and you all possibly have your own rules, but this is my way, not saying it's perfect but it's served me well over many years ...I've been filtering in Essex and commuting to London on and off since 1966 with few mishaps ... a few arguments … many avoidances by paying attention ... AVOID Royal Mail vans like the plague ... the reason is, … once they finish their deliveries for the day they can go home so they drive like complete idiots all over London particularly, and they drive dangerously ... that used to always be the case anyway ... I assume it still is. I wrote this some years back so could be different today.
(I no longer commute to London btw.) … Look for people on their phones or looking down, distracted in any way and not looking in mirrors, or looking the other way if they’re about to emerge from a side street ... many bikers don't check for this ...look for eye contact … if not had, be VERY cautious! Get away from traffic lights fairly sharpish but bear in mind light jumpers coming from your right or left, do not assume that vehicles will stop at their red light ... filter at a speed about 5 to 10 mph above speed of surrounding traffic not much more and be prepared to move over to allow the kamikaze rider to pass you, again, always be aware of who is behind you, to the side of you and ahead of you as well as who is likely to be ahead of you pretty soon (lane changers etc.) ... look for gaps in traffic when filtering in dual carriageways, … vehicles will often take any gap available wanting to make better progress ... for example, two moving cars alongside each other present no threat to a motorcyclist but a car or van etc. with nothing next to it presents danger as you approach, … that gap is there for the driver to take and he’ll often, … very quickly, take it ... Best not to filter at all when traffic is moving at a constant speed above 30mph or so and with no sign of stop-start situations.


Hey! I’m doing an educational video on Filtering/Lane splitting around the world. Do you mind If I use a short clip from this video? Full credit will be given! Ride Safe!


When he spoke about not going faster than 15 mph than other vehicles being overtaken what he meant was that they were going at a slow speed. Its no use filtering at 70 mph through traffic that is going at say 55 mph. Its got to be considered to be reasonable.

There was a case recently where the rider was actually on the far side, the wrong side of a road and by his own admission was doing some 45 mph whilst passing two lanes of traffic were stopped on his nearside. That to me is not a filter its an overtake.

What happened was that he was hit by a vehicle exiting a junction he did not see to his nearside and the stopped traffic had given him space to come out Something that is advised in the H.C. . The driver then continued out and collided with the motorcyclist. To my mind both the driver and the motorcyclist were to some degree to blame as he should not overtake when approaching any junction be they nearside or offside and he failed to see the gap that other stopped traffic had left at that junction. S whilst the driver was wrong and apparently admitted that the rider should have been apportioned some degree of blame.

In the first court case he was and he took the case to a higher court of appeal and there it was found in his favour that he had done nothing wrong as his defence council only mentioned that he was 'filtering' and that filtering was legal. . The court Judge failed to realise or was badly informed that there was a difference between filtering and actually overtaking which to my mind he was at that time.


Superb informative video. Thank you. I am sure that the Southampton Bike Night members will find this as helpful and informative as I have. Would be great to see you guys there too. Maybe the 'Bike Safe' team with their new BMW 1000RR?


The brake lights on cars in stationary traffic give you confidence they are not about to move especially buses, maybe a rear handbrake light on cars could be beneficial to other road users, pharhaps an old smoke detector adapted to beeb whilst filtering would help notify pedestrians of a bike filtering.


I rarely filter if I do I make sure I know what's going on around an infront of me at a safe speed thanks for the vid can help greatly with people with less experience


Awesome! This needs sharing! I will - WILL YOU?! ;)


Shared with South Coast Riders, Facebook group.
