Google Classroom Pro Tips for Teachers

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Learn how to optimize your Google Classroom with these pro tips from New EdTech Classroom!


00:00 Introduction
00:40 Post everything
01:31 Hide notifications on stream
02:10 Students can only comment
02:44 How to organize topics
04:10 Use a labeling system
05:40 Create assignment bundles
06:16 Stick resources to the top
07:01 Share direct link to assignments
07:38 Use the comment bank
08:36 Use Mote for audio comments
09:30 Have someone else log in
10:25 Use a scavenger hunt
11:32 Make a video tutorial
12:43 Change email notifications


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I am a fan. Learned so much over this past two years.


This is great - thank you so much for creating these fast-moving and value-packed videos.

An alternative view on Tip #2: I really like posting all assignments to the stream and I think students appreciate the easy access, too. The stream becomes a chronological index (most current always at the top, and class work becomes the topic-based index). Just another way of organizing. 👍🏼


Thank you, Sam! This is a game-changer. I have used GC for years but I learned so much and will totally reorganize my classes following your tips. I have shared it with my colleagues as well.


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Great tips, as usual. Your videos are so consistent with quality and approach, giving tips, pros and cons, thinking tactically (e.g. the tips) and strategically (i.e. coordinate learning management systems/use of Google classroom within your school to facilitate student ease of locating information).


Wow! I didn't know what I didn't know. Thank you so much for this high quality content. Very useful!


Excellent tips. Thinking about efficiency and learners' experience.


I thought I was very proficient in Google Classroom. However, I did learn several things that I will be using. Thank you❣👍😊🥰


I use Google Classroom a lot. But I can't understand why Google doesn't add a search bar in it. My Classwork page is crowded with materials. For my personal use, there is no way to make it well organized. A search bar would be perfect.


Thank you Sam, perfect timing. I know you also helped teachers use Seesaw for elementary level. Could you do a tutorial of how teachers could benefit from the strength of use Google Classroom's topic organisation and draft activity organisation with Seesaw's shared student activity. So, especially iPad app and Chromebook younger children have can more easily find a learning unit's topic and be easily linked to Seesaw's activity for the creative tools to complete tasks. Targeted to for grade 3, 4, 5 where we are preparing them for transition. Hope you think the idea has merit, all your support is invaluable for busy class teachers - thank you!


Always amazed by your content! Just when I think I know it all, you add a next level element that makes my life so much easier! Thank you especially for the organization tips!!!! Are you hiring?!? Lol!


Amazing Video Sam! Thank you so much for posting.


Wish I could give this two thumbs up. Great ideas!!


This video is so informative!
I love it! Thanks, Sam!


This has been very helpful. Thank you for taking the time to do it. Can you point me in the right direction for how to 'debug/try out' a class you setup. I'd like to add a dummy student, login as that student and see what things look like. Since this is my first time ever using google classroom, I don't know if it is a good thing to do this. Plus, I think I'd have to move all my assignments from 'draft' to publish then reassign back to their publish dates. Sorry for the newbie questions!


We teach 6 science units each year w/about 13 lessons in each unit. The bundle idea is great for assignments, but I wish I had a way to create a Topic w/sub lessons. Now I have to create 13 x 6 topics and it just a pain imo. In Google Drive you can create folders in folders and for me it's more aesthetically pleasing.


Sam, really, really great stuff...thank you


Thank you for such a concise and incredible tutorial video.


Hi Sam, awesome tutorial.. I had a question: is it possible to have students join an assignment via link, but without them having access to the other assignments? (until the link for those assignments are provided individually - later on)? if they join the classroom, they can see all the assignments - ones that I don't want to assign to them yet.


Thank you for this video! At the 7:38 minute, you mention something about taking our students to "their individual copy". I've been unsuccessfully trying to find out how to actually do it for quite a while. Could anyone give me a hint about how to do that?
