War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony (w/ Nelson Denis)

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Journalist Nelson A Denis, author of the new book War Against All Puerto Ricans: Revolution and Terror in America’s Colony, explains how America took colonial control of Puerto Rico. How the United States claimed to be liberators of Puerto Rico. How the American government rigged Puerto Rico to benefit corporate America. The man who turned Puerto Rico into a crime scene. The strategic importance of Puerto Rico. Pedro Albizu Campos and the revolutionary struggle against colonial occupation of Puerto Rico. The American killing and oppression of Puerto Rican nationalists and labor organizers. When simply owning a Puerto Rican flag could land you in jail. Puerto Rico’s debt crisis and why history keeps repeating itself on the island. And why the obvious solutions to Puerto Rico’s problems are still blocked by colonial American policies...


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I'm so thrilled that I bought this book thank you so much because the truth is in this book. They have tried to silence and cover up for themselves but no more Boriquen libre 🇵🇷


Very few people know the true history of puerto rico.


I'm grateful to hear this interview. Because most of the Americans visit us as a US Territory and they're welcome like every visitor from around the World...but most of the Americans don't care about us, our history and how we became for the US who we are now. I'm sure maybe they don't mention our true history and the truth behind our relationship with US and how we became a US Colony.


The U.S. never liberated Puerto Rico, it's citizenship was force fed (no consultation) to the island population just before World War I. Shortly after unilaterally granting it's citizenship to the island citizens the U.S. military "induction process" was started and Puerto Ricans were sent to the war front.


Que Viva la Independencia! Puerto Rico Decentralizado!


Thanks for the real facts. I learned them in Puerto Rico in school and it is about time the American people faced the truth.


The inescapable reality is that Puerto Ricans feel that they are a distinct nation with their own history, culture, language, and national identity. When I discuss these points with many non Puerto Ricans I invite them to travel to Puerto Rico and visit the interior countryside. The most striking scene will be the almost total absence of US flags, while the flag of Puerto Rico is flown almost everywhere and is portrayed as a symbol of pride. As a child, I realized that Puerto Rico did not experience the same sense of national pride of most stateside US citizens. The symbols of our US struggle for freedom like the Battle of Bunker Hill, the Boston Tea Party, etc. are not viewed by most Puerto Ricans with the same sense of reverence as we view the "Grito de Lares."

The idea of Puerto Rico as the 51st State is difficult to imagine. The same is true in reverse as many stateside wealthy US citizens still view Puerto Rico as a place to get rich by buying up all those properties that were damaged by Hurricane Maria. There is a YOUTUBE program that depicts many of these US persons chortling in good humor as to the ease of improving their individual wealth by taking advantage of the Puerto Rican government's tax incentives that only further denigrate the residents of Puerto Rico. In short, I do not see a simple solution to Puerto Rico's colonial status.

Mr. Denis book should be required reading in our high schools.


Thanks for this. Maybe now Americans will understand why we prize our flag so much.


We need this información out there!! Free puertoriquen-os!!


Como historiador Boricua, creo fielmente que la aportacion a nuestra historia de Nelson Denis es tan importante como las Antologias de historia de Puerto Rico de Eugenio Fernandez Mendez. de Aida Caro, los trabajos sobre los Indigenas de Puero Rico y su origen de mi maestro y amigo el Dr Ricardo Alegria, los trabajos extraordinarios de mi amigo el Dr. Luis de la Rosa, los valiosos trabajos de Dona Aida Negron de Montilla y de otros excelentes historiadores que se han tomado por mision ensenar la verdadera historia de Puerto Rico.Estos historiadores no cuelgan banderitas de Puerto Rico en el espejo retrovisor; llevan a nuestro Puerto Rico en su corazon .


My two favorite political ricans right now is Nelson Denis and Alexandra Lugaró. Although most Puerto Ricans are sleep these folks fight for everyones rights.


U.S government did and continues doing to the Island, what they did to the Native Americans. U.S made Puerto Rico an Indian Reservation.


Let's face it, the USA knows quite well that it has a good piece of land wright at the main gate of the continent. I doubt very much it is willing to let go. Remember what don Pedro Albizu campo said about the Americans feelings towards Puerto don't need the birds, we only want the cage. Think about that and the consequences hawaii


Puertoricans have been citizens for more than a century now. Puertoricans have fought in every war the US has been involved, and it one of the most decorated group of veterans, painting with their blood their duty to the US. Puertoricans professionals, artist, and athletes have given the best of themselves to the US nation, many rising to the top levels of their fields; for example, today, one of the Supreme Court Judges is Puertorican. 3 million Puertorricans live in the island. 5 million live in the continent, so most of the Puertoricans alive today are already part of the continental US day-to-day life. In elections and referendums less than 5% of Puertoricans want independence from US. The majority of PR want to stay as US citizens, and stay as part of the US.

How at this point in history can someone shamelessly say that Puertorricans are not American and US should just get rid of them?


Puerto Rico was very rich by their agriculture like sugar and coffee. however, a lot has been lost. it doesn't mean they can't stand up and work in their land. as time will change the work of the land will come back to be richer than before. A


One word explains it all - Capitalism at its highest stage, Imperialism. We will be free because we are a proud nation with our own culture, language, and history. Even if it takes another hundred years. Though, it will be much sooner than that! The old generation is on its way out. Our youth is smarter and wiser.


I can't understand the hatred people have for the PR  discrimated as a citizen of the
us and also by other Latins from certain latin speak country.But we have people who
are considerated for us. but many don't know the Truth behind our history, they talk without any kind of basis. I believe the PR have to  get together, and make a move to
be Indepent, We can live because we live in the state but many done alright but not
treated as equal.  I feel  we can stand on our own,  To shut the mouth of the gosiper
that don't know nothing, but proparganda. our story was never told we were invisible and still are.


We are here and we ain't going nowhere all these debates are useless the USA invaded PuertoRico we didn't call them for help so miss me with the lies ..


I'm buying this book. thanx for the book


Just got my book!! I want to know the truth and the whole truth about my people!!! It’s sad ! It makes you angry!!! AND THINGS NEED TO CHANGE BECAUSE WERE STILL GOING THROUGH ✌🏽✋🏾✊🏼🖐🏿🦾💪🏻🔥🖤🔥
