Garmin Drivesmart 61 vs Tomtom GO 6200 which one is better

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Garmin 61 vs Tomtomgo 6200 which one is better MY opinion.
Garmin receiving 5 points in my test
Tomtom receiving 4 points in my test

Please comment which one is better in YOUR opinion
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The TomTom has an Active magnetic mount. For me it is important, because it is not necessery to plug and unplug the cable.


I have a garmin and a tom Tom… cannot even compare, the garmin is amazing, the Tom Tom made me crazy. Never again, always garmin 👍 garmin number one


What has become most evident to me is that neither Garmin or TomTom, live up to their hype.I am a retired truck driver, I have used many of these devices over the years both in my cars and on my motorbikes.
My ideal Sat Nav(if there is such a thing)would be TomTom maps and software inside a Garmin unit.The reason is simple TomTom units all seem to be cheaply made, and in my experience, they don't last long either.Take a critical look at Garmin units, the superior build quality compared to TomTom is undeniable.
If I had to choose between TomTom and Garmin now, I'm not sure which one I would go for(glad I don't have to make the choice, retirement has it's advantages).


TomTom 6250 professional is the best navigator in the world.


Judging from the comments and my experience with both Garmin and TomTom is that Garmin is better in the states and TomTom is better internationally. IMHO.


I used one of the original ~$100 TomTom's for ~14 years (doesn't work now due to GPS rollover HW bug). Although my parents had a somewhat recent Garmin Nuvi. It's weird, b/c I like the old TomTom UI better than either of the current TomTom or Garmin. I *really* hate that Garmin doesn't show you a route overview map like TomTom or Google Maps (or Waze, or literally every other GPS device or app) when you're setting up. I like the new Garmin UI better than the TomTom UI, it's easier to see all the different info. I hate that the Garmin is laggy and slow... ugh. I really want a dedicated unit and not use my smartphone's data, but they make it so hard.


I just got my first Garmin and it was super easy to update the maps compared to the two TomTom I've owned


I'm going TomTom. For me (and the reviewer) the traffic info and re-routing is better than the Garmin and that is a key point with a decent sat nav, otherwise, I would have used Google Maps. Frankly sat navs are past the point where they just tell you the best route - that is available on any phone - they are simply better at the job than phones and that goes for both devices here.


I bought the Garmin... returning it after 2 days. Where I live the Garmin maps are not really up to date, and it doesn't signal road works that have been there for the past 2 years. (and will be there for the next 5 o 6, major roadworks for a new underground line)
Also if you just need to look at the map, Garmin is bit more laggy and doesn't tell you if a road is a 1way and in which direction it goes.
On the upside it has an amazing screen and really nice interface, a bit more professional and effective than tomtom. Also house numbers are accurate, unlike tomtom that sometimes has those missplaced or missing.
What a shame. Real sad.


The most important advantage for bying the garmin is: the possibility to use the navigation system with the incredable software basecamp !!


I keep GARMIN and I think is better than Tomtom.


I just bought this GPS to replace a 5-10 year old TomTom because I hated to hook the TomTom up to my laptop everytime I had to update maps (it took hours). We are getting ready for a trip to Hawaii and I am wondering if there is a way to see how much free memory is left? Should I buy a micro SD memory card? How much memory can this GPS handle? I think I watched a video somewhere that said that Garmin just mirrors your maps and saved waypoints on an SD card so it doesn't really give you any extra space but does anyone know for sure? Thanks for your time and effort to create your video reviews! How did you get such a stable video of both Satnav devices while driving down the road? What camera did you use and how is it mounted?


I had a Drivesmart 51 (LMT-D). I bought it mainly for lifetime traffic and maps which was far cheaper than the quivalent Tomtom. Big big mistake. On 8 long trips with a mate and his basic non traffic Tomtom One the TomTom beat my Garmin - every single time. Once I saw him stop for fuel. He drives no faster than me bu still managed to get there faster. I'd say I have a good sense of direction and navigation (with a degree in Geography and Cartography plus my mate's and colleagues are always calling me for help in major traffic jams (they call me Human SatNav!). The Garmin did bizarre things, on every trip: take us off the main highway down a dirt track to rejoin a short while later (in one case, a track unsuitable for motor vehicles!), took us on a toll motorway despite asking it to warn me first, tried to take me the wrong way down a one-way street in La Rochelle, told me I was going the wrong way on a perfectly legitimate road. But the worst was traffic. Over 50% of jams I sat in the Garmin informed me of 'no traffic'. My old TomTom GO 720 used to warn me about queues at traffic lights! And average speed cameras. The display is rubbish too: you can only choose one of arrival time, time remaining, distance remaining, current time. Old Tomtom showed all of them. The maps are also not very good, much more jagged than Tomtom indicating fewer data points. Which means bends appear much straighter than in real life. The Garmin couldn't even locate the Eiffel Tower. And when I went to add my UK address whilst in France I had to change country. But it didn't list United Kingdom as a country. Or Great Britain. Instead, I had to select England. Which begs the question: do I have to select Scotland or Wales first before navigating to places there?

Do not get a Garmin. Be smart and get a Tomtom. The Garmin just seemed second-rate in every department, as if they were trying to shave money. i mean, it is cheaper. I can see why! The extra expense of a Tomtom is worth it for the amount of time you'll save.

My Garmin has been returned. Never ever again. If you have a Garmin I suggest you even compare the navigation against Google Maps. You'll soon see what I mean.


What about speed camera alerts comparison


Just taken my Garmin back and why ?.
Speed camera warning is better on TOMTOM. As no warning on a lot of roads with Garmin .

Also traffic was never correct or even close .

Garmin lay out is totally better and colours on the Garmin are great.

But for me it's TomTom the 6200 hasn't any thrills colours map changing colours etc.

But the speed cameras seem to be very good and today's traffic jams was spot on.


Hello I'm new to trucking and looking for a solid truck GPS, Will one of these keep Me away from Low bridges an No Truck Routes??, And if so Which One By the Way I Live In The US if that matters at all.


Hi, thanks for your great tests. I have a question regarding the TomTom: Are there any Informations / ratings on the POI (Hotels, Restaurants) like Garmin has with tripadvisor? Or is it adress-only without ratings of any kind?


Which one is best to avoid speeding. Tomtom let's you go 10 percent above limit before warning you I think . Does Garmin warn you straight away with no tolerance. Thanks


Garmin all the way....In real world scenario military, marine, helicopters, automotive, hiking trekking ALL used garmin Tom is used only in auto industry and garmin is a yardstick to measure against ANY other sat nav devices...


Thank you for making this video, it's very helpful! I would have one question: which one is capable (better) in avoiding highway? I mean any highway not just toll road...
