Ismaili Tasbih | Laylat-al-Qadr Salwat Zikr Tasbih | Laylat-al-Qadr | One-Hour Melodious Zikr Tasbih

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On the Special Occasion of Laylat-al-Qadr, Presenting One-Hour, Non-Stop, Melodious Laylat-al-Qadr Salwat Tasbih, A Special way to grant Allah's Mercy on the Night of Power.


Salwat - Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa A’li Muhammad

Meaning - O’God! Let Your mercy be on Muhammad (s.a.s.) and the
Family of Muhammad (Ahl al-Bayt)



Benefits of Reciting Salwats (Durood)


-) Tremendous and In-numerous rewards

-) Act of Worship

-) Enhances Power

-) Sins Forgiven

-) Blessed with Paradise

-) Enemies Perish

-) Blessed with Imam(A.S) Noorani Didar

-) Strength in difficulties

-) Internal & Eternal Peace

-) Mushkil Aasan


Holy Farmans of Imams (A.S) on Salwat


Imam Aga Ali Shah said, “The reward of the Salawat is like rain. Just as you cannot count the drops of water in the rain, likewise you cannot count the reward of the Salawat.”

Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah said, “Insha’allah, you all together come in the Jamatkhana with one heart and perform Bandagi, in which if you recite more Salwat, then Insha’allah your power will enhance day by day and your enemies will perish, your sins will be forgiven, you will go to paradise and will be blessed with the didar, Insha’allah.” (Bombay, 4th February 1894)

Hazar Imam also said, “Do not forget to recite Salwat when, in my Farman, or in Jamat, or any time, you hear or take Prophet’s name.” (Nagpur, 18th November 1967) 13
“It is incorrect to take the names of any people other than the Prophet and the Imams with Salawat.” (Talika Mubarak to Ismailia Association dated 18th August 1960)

Imam Jafar Sadik said, “Every invocation sought from God is barred by the sky unless it is coupled with the Salawat, the benediction upon the Prophet of God and his descendants” (Usul-i Kafi, 2:493).


Holy Quranic Verses and Ahadith of Holy Prophet (PBUH & His Family)


Quran says, "Verily, God and His angels call down blessing on (yusalluna ala) the Prophet. O ye who believe! call down blessing on him and greet him with a worthy salutation” (33:56)

It is narrated in the Sawa’iq Muhariqa that once the Companions recited Salwat upon the Prophet in these words: Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad (O’God! Let Your mercy be on Muhammad), the Prophet said, “Do not send an incomplete Salwat upon me.” The Companions asked, “Which are the complete and incomplete Salwat?” The Prophet said, “The incomplete Salwat is Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad (O’God! Let Your mercy be on Muhammad), and the complete Salwat is Allahumma Salli ala Muhammadin wa A’li Muhammad (O’God! Let Your mercy be on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad).”

Abu Huraira relates that the Prophet said, “One who recites Salwat on me, the angels keep on showering blessings on him as long as he recites Salwat” (Masnad, 5:82).

Jabir al-Jufi reported on the authority of Imam Muhammad Al-Bakir that the Prophet said, “He who performs a prayer and does not ask God to bless me and my family, his prayer is not accepted from him” (al-Khilaf, 1:131)

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Although it is a natural process of sadness that each murid will go through after hearing this news of the sad demise of our 49th Hereditary Imam, if we consider it in light of the Farmans and Ginans, there is nothing to be sad about. Let us ask you a question: Do we feel sad when changing worn-out clothes for new ones? Of course not, as the person remains the same; it’s just the old clothes that have been replaced because they can no longer be used due to wear and tear.

It must be understood that when we, Ismailis, say the word "Imam, " we are referring to the Noor-e-Imamat, not the physical body of the Imam. And Noor never dies (i.e., the Imam never dies); however, the Imam must change bodies, as everything made of matter is limited in time. This is a universal law. The physical body is only a "machine" that the Imam/Noor uses to fulfil the purpose of Imamat in this world, for example, communicating His Farmans to the murid, because we can't communicate directly with the Noor until we are spiritually uplifted through bandagi. When the physical body deteriorates to the point that it can no longer perform the necessary functions, the Noor-e-Imamat changes the physical form. So from now on, nothing will change; the Imam remains the same, and will always remain the same—only His voice and appearance will change because the physical body (the machine) has changed.

Imam Ali (A.S) said: "We are the treasurers of Allah's religion, and we are the keys to Allah's knowledge. When one of us departs, another takes his place."
Source: Nahjul Asrar, Volume 2, Page 32

Imam Ja'far Sadiq said: "If the Earth were to remain without an Imam for even a moment, it would collapse with all its inhabitants."
(Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 23, H. 30)

Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah (A.S) said, "You should be rest assured that the ‘Noor’ (Light) of Mawla Murtaza Ali is in Me and is present before you. We (Imams) change the physical bodies in the world but our ‘Noor’ (Light) is eternal and originates from the very beginning. You should therefore take it as one Noor. The Noor (Light of God) is ever present, only the Names are different. The Throne (of Imamat) of Mawla Murtaza Ali continues on and it will remain till the day of Judgment." (Mumbai, 08 September 1885)

Imam Mawlana Shah Karim(A.S) said,

"My dear spiritual children,

I also want you, in Bait-ul-Khayal, to understand exactly what the fighting issues mean. It could be that today, or that tomorrow, I am no longer with you — it could happen. But My jamat knows that the Noor of the Imamat is still in this world, and this bond you have is with the Noor of the Imamat. He'll be here, whether I'm physically here or not. It doesn't matter who physically holds the Imamat.

You have to understand this: that this is what made My jamats strong. They held on to the bond, to the Noor of the Imamat, and you know that the Noor of the Imamat is still in this world. Keep this clear in your mind. You must become close, and closer, and closer, and even closer to the Noor of the Imamat. Whoever holds the Imamat — it is from this Noor that you must get closer.

And that's why I want you to understand how important these struggled issues are, not only to your own spiritual happiness, but also to have the strength, the confidence, and the courage to deal with the problems of everyday life.

I lastly give you My most affectionate special blessings.

Khanavadan, Khanavadan" - Farman of Imam Mawlana Shah Karim Al-Husseini (A.S) (Dec 25, 1964, Karachi, Pakistan")


Shuker Moula Bapa
Millions and Millions times more Alhamdulliah 🙏🙏🙏


Mubarak 🙏 shukar allahuma Salli Allah Muhammadin wa aale Muhammad qayamat Tak


not only good voice but the power of salwat and the blessings are unlimited and who ever hear this with strong faith will benefit a lot.Allahuakbar




MA! Beautiful voice . Salwat always touch ur heart.... Shukr Mowla lakho lakho Shukar


Thanks For ziker Tasbih 11-13 -2021


અલલાહુમા સલી અલા હ મુહમંદીન व आली मुहम्मद


Very very very nicely recited from heart peaceful n heart touching voice. Feeling coolness in heart after hearing. God bless u n all till qayamat n so on. Thanks for sharing this tasbih.❤❤❤👌👍


અલ્લાહહુમા સલી અલા હ મુહમંદીન વ આલી મુહમંદ


Yes that's the way my baby sleep💤


May help mentaly & Enrgy in body whole day 🙏


Allahumma Salli Allah Muhammadin va Oli Muhammad🙏💚


Very peaceful and soothing. Shukhar. We are so blessed.


Enlighten happiness in soul mind for Everyone 🙏


Mubarak recited from the heart So heart ♥️ warming and soul soothing May you remain blessed always Shukhar Sukhar


The best tasbih for 24hrs helps all calamities


Is very nice ginan & protect all worldly calamity & satisfy souls love 💕 🙏
