Python Return Statement Best Practices and Working With the map() | Real Python Podcast #31

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The Python return statement is such a fundamental part of writing functions. Is it possible you missed some best practices when writing your own return statements? This week on the show, David Amos returns with another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects. We also talk functional programming again with an article on the Python map function and processing iterables without a loop.

We cover several other articles and projects from the Python community including, interactive data visualization with Pygal, everything you need to know about namedtuples, PEP 638 syntactic macros, python for kids, the new Nvidia Jetson board, and a reinforcement learning project named football.


- 00:00:00 -- Introduction
- 00:01:33 -- Interactive Data Visualization in Python With Pygal
- 00:06:40 -- Python's map(): Processing Iterables Without a Loop
- 00:12:51 -- Everything You Need to Know About Python's NamedTuples
- 00:19:46 -- PEP 638: Syntactic Macros
- 00:26:43 -- Video Course Spotlight
- 00:27:57 -- The Python return Statement: Usage and Best Practices
- 00:34:42 -- Python for Kids
- 00:38:03 -- Build a Face Recognition System With the Nvidia Jetson Nano
- 00:42:32 -- football: Reinforcement Learning Environment
- 00:45:51 -- Thanks and goodbye

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