How many instrument can Prince play? #shorts #prince #music #instrumental

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never heard of water drums before.... I'mma have to look that one up


Prince or Brother Nelson as I knew him did not make these exaggerated mythological claims.

Nor did he float in the studio using his magical powers as Lizzo claimed.

Let's come down to Earth and be more somberly rational to NOT forget that Prince's proficiency was in PERFORMANCE and songwriting...

He was a master at creating Prince music as opposed to Mozart, Coltrane, and Beethoven levels of opus compositions.

Especially when in his own quiet environment rather than as a master session musician directing virtuoso orchestras and big bands while individually topping the lists of the greatest of all-time virtuoso musicians in various instrumental categories who in addition to their concert tours...were also in demand to do numerous sessions for a variety of arists of all categories with the skills required including arranging singers, horn and string sections as a highly skilled contractor and arranger able to compose and write solid film and tv film scores and charts under pressure similar to Quincy Jones.

(No...contrary to belief, Prince did not score his films...he contracted those duties to professional orchestrators, and FREQUENTLY used uncredited ghost musicians to provide the essential touches required for his masterpieces.

Esentially Prince played FOUR actual instruments...
🎸guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard...
encompassing four categories of similar instruments including several sample keyboard and other keyboard based instruments that were available to EVERYONE who was able to afford those products from that emulated many instruments while having access to a high-end quality studios and mixing-boards.

He was so ambitious in the beginning of his career at Sunset Sounds, to their ire...when they were on break, he would erase the staff engineers and producers names off the boxes of the Master tapes of the sessions and substitute his name for the production credits.

He also played several guitar based string instruments...
and some percussion and drums...

This did not add up to 27 or 46 instruments as later stated in the Owen Husney press releases.

(Husney also claimed to the label gatekeepers that he had Stevie Wonder on the line when desperately attempting to reach the A&R Department heads...)

When later given the opening spot on the Rolling Stones tour...he bombed miserablly which at that point...Warner Brother President and A&R Department heads actually voted to drop him from the label before Owen Husney made his final plea for another chance which led to "Dirty Mind" and a complete stagecraft persona thanks to David Bowie and the Golden Age of MTV Glam Rock and the punk movement.

Prince himself denied that he played 27 or more instruments and was encouraged to claim an exorbitant amount of instruments solely at the insistence of his manager Owen Husney to hype-up his branding as they were initially attempting to procure a recording contract...

Similar to thousands of musicians who have access to multiple keyboards, guitar and bass centered string instruments, and finally percussion and 🥁 categories...

It's really not unusual for musicians who have access to these four categories can make the same claim as mult-iinstrumentalists if they chose so.

Stevie Wonder as a multi-instrumentalist and master multi-tracker long ago also had access to the same storage closet containing several accessories and keyboards.

The Keynote was that though he was able to played instruments from four categories, was not a true master of any category to equal or surpass the thousands of iconic artists who were specifically talented to the highest degree as a MASTER of those instruments that Owen Husney urgently listed to hype Prince's worthiness to deserve a major label recording contract...

Let's remember Brother Nelson as a great artist, producer, and performer who drew inspiration from those iconic artists throughout the ages that provides the foundation for his astonishing career that was tragically cut short by the terrifying opioid painkiller crisis that has escalated over the past few years to unprecedented levels...

Enjoy your week!
