Prospectus Section 2(41) Companies Act 2017

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Prospectus is a document which is either circular, advertisement, notice, offer for sale or other intimation to the public to purchase the shares and debentures.
Prospectus does not includes
i- bank deposits,
ii- Non banking financial company which issue certificate pf investment (COI) and certificate of deposit (COD)
Prospectus must submit to SECP for approval 21 days before from date of publishment. Prospectus will be published within 60 days from the date of approval. Time period extend by SECP on request.
Prospectus must be given minimum 7 days or maximum 30 days prior from date of publishment and must be one in urdu and one in English.


Any document which is either a circular, advertisement, notice, offer for sale, or other invitation to buy shares is a prospectus. It must be sent to SECP at least 21 days prior to the date sought for it publishing. From the date of approval, it must be published within 60 days, this time can also be extended by the SECP on request. It must be published in one urdu and one English newspaper atleast 7 days prior to its publishing or max before 30 days.


prospectus in simple words is an invitation to general public to buy shares.. that defines all functions and its affairs position of company. once prospectus is made will be sent to SECP and will approve same within 21.


Prospectus is a document.
Circular, notice, advertisement, offer for sale, other invitation.
Purpose: invitation to the general public to purchase shares or debenture.
In prospectus cannot included.
1.Bank deposit
2.Non banking financial company( NBFC) a) certificate of investment b) certificate of deposit
When we decide to issue properstus it's required SECP approval to 21 days or more ( for approval of propospus)
When SECP approve the prospectus then within 60 days to publish the propestus. 60 days is a publication time it may extended by the approval of SECP. Such publication should be on English or Urdu newspaper.


Prospectus Section 2(41) Companies Act 2017

According to this Section 2(41) of this act, prospectus is mean by a written document that is named as CANOO (Circulation, Advertisement, Notice OFS, other Invitation) Which will invite generel public to purchase share and debenture of the company. Debenture certificate issued by NBFC is not prospectus and publication of prospectus should be submitted before SECP for approval and within 60 days prospectus should be published in market. However, days can be extended with the permission or approval of SECP. Such publication should be in ENGLISH and URDU renowned newspapers of state with mentioning 07 min. and mixm. 30 days.


Prospectus mean any document that is CANOO(circulation, OFS, other invitation, advertisement and notice. Which purpose is to invite general public to purchase share and debenture of the company.

Bank deposit or certificate of investment and certificate of debentures issued by nbfc are not prospectus

Publication date mentioned on the prospectus before 20 one or more days submit the prospectus to the SECP for approval. From the date of Publication mentioned on prospectus within 60 days prospectus should be published in the market. Days can be extended by the approval of SECP.

Should publish in urdu and english before publication date min 7 days max 30 days..


Altaf Hussain roll no LL.M, 0158, canoo, it is easy method to understand prospectus, contains Canoo and bank deposits is not involved in the prospectus and if prospectus approved by SECP then it published by company.


Muhammad Yousif LLM Roll no 174
Circular advertisement notice offer for sell other invition
Purpose of the prospectus is the invention
When any company issue the prospectus with in the 21days margin send to the SECP for the approval and check
After check company publish in the two news papers Urdu and English
