Universals and Particulars, Genus and Species (Aquinas 101)

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“Each stage of cognitive development is grounded in the previous stage and the structure of the world itself helps us to ascend from the Cave of Ignorance. It is only because the world offers a course along which man's inquiries can run that his desire to know has any hope of being satisfied.” - Jonathan Lear, “Aristotle: The Desire to Understand”

Universals and Particulars, Genus and Species (Aquinas 101) - Fr. James Brent, O.P.

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— AQUINAS 101 —

#ThomisticInstitute #ThomasAquinas #Catholic #Thomism
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Why did I not find you guys sooner! I am in a Philosophy for Theologians class through Holy Apostles College and these terms are throwing me for a loop. Your videos have been super helpful!


When it comes to teach Physics, sometimes it's good to bring up these topics to the students in class. When I do it, some interesting discussions arise.

Thomistic Phylosophy is crystal clear, robust and without very strong objections. Thomism must be compulsory in a freshman semester in any university.

Saint Thomas is perhaps the best philosopher in history all by the graces that Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother the Blessed Mary gave to him.

I watch your videos at least thrice to understand better and learn more. God bless you.


I have a test coming up and was confused about this concept. Watching this video really helped me figure it out.


thanks, brilliantly put. i like your way of presentation.


Most interesting! Thanks n informative.


Great video. He didn't think there was such a cool channel as this. God bless you.


God bless the Tomistic Institue and Fr. Brent for laying out these meanings. I think I've understood, but a question comes to my mind: when should we talk about universal/particular or rather of genus/species? I feel they are not exactly pairs of synonims but I don't know whether it's just a matter of philosophical or logic perspective. Thank you.


Thank you, may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you!


the most important concepts in philosophy


Here is a philosophical critique of the video on universals and particulars:

The video presents the perspective of Aristotelian realism - that universal forms or essences really exist apart from particular objects. However, this view faces criticism. Nominalism argues that universals are merely names we assign to generalize about particulars, but only the particulars exist. Conceptualism proposes that universals exist only within the mind, not independently.

The video also portrays Platonic realism as flawed for locating universals in a separate realm. But Plato's theory should not be oversimplified. The Forms are not physical entities located elsewhere, but abstract concepts representing the essence of things that exist in concrete particulars.

Alternative perspectives recognize different degrees of reality between universals and particulars without a rigid divide. Pragmatism views the truth of universals based on their practical explanatory power, not whether they exist independently. Perspectival realism argues that reality has subjective-objective dimensions, allowing universals to be real from certain vantage points.

Rather than absolutist claims about the existence of universals, philosophies can acknowledge the roles of abstraction and conceptualization in human knowledge while maintaining realism about the material world known through the senses. The apprehension of universals from particulars may be fallible and shaped by perspective, but this does not make them wholly arbitrary social constructions. The debate continues, but alternatives allow more nuance.


Please, Fr. Brent! A simple question...

So, genus is "more universal" than species.
My question is the following. I certainly can say that "animal" is the genus of "reptile", but can I say that "reptile" is a species inside the genus "animal"? Can I say that "animal" is a species of inside the genus "living being"?

If your answer should be yes, I then add a second question. Is "genus + specific difference" the correct way to define "reptile" ou "animal"? (Is there a place where Aquinas/Aristotle give the definition of any animal other than man? I find it difficult to define other animals, because their specific difference is not so obvious as ours...)

Thank you in advance!


When does the essence of a bush change into the essence of a tree? When does a heap become a pile?


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 📖 In philosophy, individual things are called particulars, while the forms or essences of things that apply to more than one particular are called universals.
01:44 🧠 Genus and species are terms used in ancient logic to classify and categorize things. A genus is a general category, while a species is a more specific category within a genus.

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Would Aquinas opt for a neutral logic, whereby the formal quantifiers of first-order logic [alongside the informal quantifiers of ordinary language] are not ontologically committing?


Whats Aquinas view on universals, particulars, and their existence?


Quick question: does this mean that something can be both a specis and a genus at the same time depending on the predication, that is to what it relates in different discussions?


But..I read about aquinas in jurisprudence book in a junk shop...
I asked the owner to have it..
I recycle the junk into money..and to avoid a lot of mess in the room..my common law husband is an electrician multi tasking person


When I read the Summa Theologiae, I notice that St Thomas usually contrasts singulars vs universals as well as particulars vs universals. Are singulars and particulars the same then?


What is the difference between singular, particular and individual in philosophy? Which one is at the opposite end of universal? You discussed it as particular vs universal and some others discuss it as individual vs universal, I am a bit confused, anyone here to help, much appreciated, thanks


I am not sure if I am really understanding what a universal is. Because dogs are very similar and have a similar form and you can find those similarities in multiple particulars then their essence is a universal? This dog is not that dog so they are different but just the fact that the dogs are very similar at a lower level makes the form universal? The front yard tree is not the backyard tree but they do share some characteristics so those characteristics are universals? What is there was a single particular that had nothing applicable to any other particular would there not be any universal there?
