Phat Bollard - 'council' to council-badge-flashing-lunatic-jobsworths

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Other songs I have written with videos I have created that are inspired by these chaps are here.

Phat Bollard busking on Market street Manchester 13/07/2016 been waiting to catch them live for ages and they are every bit as lovely folk as you can imagine. These two jobsworth came along and told them they had half an hour to play here then they'd have to move along. When the half hour was up they came out of that shop behind (where they had been loitering and getting paid for the privilege) on the dot and started re-harassing them to move along. Phat Bollard stood their ground after asking the audience what they would like, to which we replied "play" which they duly did. What do these people get paid for one has to ask oneself!? The real police came along a couple of minutes later and said they were doing nothing wrong, just keep the language down.
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I’m glad the council came because it added more passion and it ended up being the best version of this song. Bravo


The street musicians DO what the "media artists" will NEVER do; The true encounter between people and true artists in joy..!!!! Best wishes from mairiporã, in Brazil..!!! (I'm a street musician too..)😉🙏🏼💛💚


I like the guy trying to look official in the back as he tries his best and is ultimately unsuccesful in not petting the good doggo


Someone give these guys a record deal.. Better than half the shit you hear nowadays


Can’t stop watching this - the fact that the song fitted the interaction but no seeming prior planning to pick that song - just seamless and lovely.


Woman went to shake hands with the guy blatantly playing the guitar lmao


This band has the best percussionist on earth! he doesn't take shit from anyone. Awesome!


Priceless right down to their dog howling too!


We are supposed to live in a democracy, and i love it when the lead singer asks the people if they want them to stay or go and the shout is conclusive that they should stay. We elect counsellors to enact our will, and so on hearing that those guys should have accepted it and left the band alone (let the will of the people stand). Equally, Councils like to argue they need to put in paid for parking and issue parking fines to the people of the towns and cities in the UK for parking in their own town whilst out - the councils like to argue it's to ensure more people can park or that the roads remain clear - but that's garbage, simply give us more parking spaces and make them free since we already pay taxes.

What all this shows is that UK Council's have lost sight of the fact that they serve us, our will, our needs, our aspirations. They've become a bloated and costly self preserving industry that feathers its own nest on our income. There needs to be a drastic over haul of councils in the UK to make them better serve the people and not simply their own agendas.


Nice to see Jeremy Corbyn is enjoying himself in his spare He rocked the shit out of that cajun drum.


Greg, we got you this piece of string to play."

Greg: "sweet, goes nice with this bit of wood I found"


Bang on with the song, sick of this corporate policing of the public. Quality stuff guys.


I wanna learn to play the bow and arrow


I had the privilege of meeting this amazing team of Phat Bollard in Exeter City Centre on 28 April 2018 . They sing with meaning and passion against issues on injustice! Best among street singers. They are brilliant. Please watch all other videos by them.


I lived for a year in Sydney... There where a couple of bands that stopped me dead in my tracks whilst going to work resulting in me being late. Buskers sometimes have the best lyrics and ideas about life. Not afraid to lose anything because most of them already lost a lot.
My respect to these guys... They would stop me dead in my tracks!


Here's a real English spirit! You are the best!


Notice how the dogs howls were hyping the crowd to cheer aswell 😂


I love that the dog is howling and getting in on the act too! Brilliant! Thank you lads!!!


Fantastic boys. You represent and deliver a very important message. And the number of people supporting you here shows you’re not alone in it.

Those council twats were literally wanting to stop their people having FREE positive enjoyment… what kind of person/organisation even does that?!


Urban outfitters should've been paying you to play there, amazing music!
