Is It Still Possible to Become a YouTube Star?

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YouTube now has 300 hours of video uploaded every minute! That is a LOT of content. With all the noise on YouTube and all the competition for eyeballs, is it still possible to become a YouTube star or have the celebrities of this platform pretty much been firmly established by now? Lane and I discuss whether a normal YouTuber can still grow to be a big YouTuber today.

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300 Hours of Video are Uploaded to YouTube Every Minute

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Video Creators

Tim Schmoyer

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I the the motivation for starting a channel had changed. When I started in 2010 it was a way to share and teach and reach out to other like minded people. I never considered it a way to get famous or make a living. Now it seems many people start a channel only to make money or get famous. If you do not love and believe in the content you create it will never feel worth it. Making a channel to be the "next big thing" is the wrong reason in my opinion. Happy Thanksgiving!


I personally believe that it's absolutely possible to become a big time YouTuber in todays market and going into 2015. There might be "x" amount of video being uploaded per minute, but let's face it….that doesn't mean much when people are uploading a ton of low quality video such as 15-60 minute game playing streams, iPhone vlogs, and instrumental lyric videos. In fact I think in a way it's easier to grow an audience because the user base has also growth substantially. Back in 2009, 10 million subscribers wouldn't even be thought possible, but now those numbers are being surpassed. I feel like a lot of people say that youtube is over saturated now because their content isn't original and they get frustrated that it takes a lot of time, effort, and consistency to grow viewership and channel stats. YouTube is like professional sports. Millions play, but only the super serious athletes make it to the professional level. Great video as always gentlemen. 


I'd say it's more difficult to become a YouTube "star" now than it was in 2008, but if you're even thinking about becoming a star when you're first starting out then you're doing it all wrong anyway. You should be doing videos because you want to and because you want to build an audience of like-minded individuals. I do agree with Tim about it being a positive as well, having more potential subscribers and viewers because more people are on YouTube these days. I still think YouTube is the wild west when it comes to creators though. It's definitely a platform that you can utilize to quickly build a big audience.


I started my channel in 2007. It used to be extremely easy to get views back when there was a lot less content on the site. 

Anything is possible but it is getting harder and harder for people to be discovered and stand out. 


My advice to anyone wanting to start a YouTube channel is always: Do it because you love sharing. Since there are so many channels, always create your best, concise content with good lighting. The most important advice: Don't just do it for the money and fame. If it is meant to be, it will happen. Great video Video Creators 


The important thing is to enjoy making content. If people respond, then bonus, but becoming famous should not be the motivation to start a channel. It takes consistent hard work anyway, so there is no quick route to success.


I never thought that We would be the size we are now!  With hard work, dedication, and the ability to learn and grow, you can make things happen!


Very good discussion about the state of things.


It's definitely possible to build a large audience, but I don't think that will necessarily make you one of the big YouTube stars.  There are so many channels with over 1 million subscribers that I randomly stumble upon, and I ask myself, "Why haven't I heard of these guys?"  It seems like the stars from back in the early days are the ones you see everywhere.  At least that's my impression. 


Hey Tim, I had the opportunity to work with a brand and they are sponsoring my video but they recommended that I turn monetization off for that video to be on the safe side. Just as a comparison I know you monetize your sponsored videos so off the top of your head is it safe to monetize sponsored videos? Can't seem to find that in the reading i'm doing. Thanks Tim


Thank you for this supportive video, Video Creators !


That FameBit part was genious!! That transition was so good that you almost tricked me into not realizing it was a commercial.


I was actually surprised how nice the YouTube community is to me when I first started. I only have two videos but one already has almost 100 views and some very nice comments. I was expecting like 2 views lol. I'm glad I've decided to make videos and my tip is to not give up and do what makes you happy! No one has any idea how much video was deleted and rerecorded for my first


I think if someone is interested in making a channel, going into it thinking they're going to be big on Youtube or having that as a reason for starting making content is the wrong way to go about it. Those are generally the people that make a few videos and then give up because they realize that in the beginning, growing an audience is very difficult to do, and the people they look at as Youtube success stories have been here for years and years. Youtube can be a really fun place if you just enjoy making your content and you're happy with the viewership you have right now. There's nothing wrong with ambitions, but they shouldn't run your whole Youtube career.


ive bin thinking about using famebit but is it safe to us? it ask me to let them into my youtube stats and stuff but is there a chance i could get hacked from doing that?


I think many people are shocked when they start on YT and their channel just doesn't spring right into stardom.  I think its all about expectations.  Don't think you will do a couple of vids and will  be the next big thing.  I say do what you enjoy and if you become big that is a nice bonus.


great video. I used to get lot's of views on my channel. But now I'm barely getting views at all.. Also It's had to get a brand deal with famebit.


I believe it's still possible. Just more work, but it can be done. I'll save this video and I will keep this in mind. Thanks Tim!


I think its possible!!! And the way you go before someone else is by working harder, be more creative, smart and to never give up. Im VERY new to this, but im growing day by day because every time i upload a new video, i make people watch the previous one if they didnt watch it already. in this way i get more views for every video. Its important to show the few viewers you have that you mean this seriously, that you are going for it no matter what!


Everything is possible, but I still comes down to how much effort your willing to put in to it.
