Playing Music Badly Will Make You Better.

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Everybody's "badly" is going to sound different. The important part is to not compare yourself to others, and to force yourself to try things that you'd normally hesitate to play!


"Why you should play music badly"
So Charles can make remixes to you, of course.


This is similar to that anxiety ted talk, where the speaker told everyone to "just do it badly", it helped me start lots of projects, and I'm living by it.


“an hour or four or forty”

Twoset subs: *iNTERESTING*


jazz musicians: *improvise and just go with the flow*

me, someone who has only learned classical: "I....we dont do that here-"


Me who hasn’t played an instrument since recorder in fifth grade: This video is important to my learning of music


So a little story:
I studied classical piano when I was in highschool. Shortly after finishing highschool I stopped playing and focused just on music theory for one year. Why? I was super frustrated, because I wanted to learn to improvise and even though I was playing very beautiful and complex classical/contemporary pieces, I always thought I was missing something. I also had a very rough time jamming with people, since I only practiced solo piano most of the time. I think this is what ultimately led to me dropping the piano a short time after.

Fast forward almost ten years, I'm an improvising actor, In a small improv group and one day I decided to confront my biggest fear: To be the musician in the show, and... improvise.

Somehow, knowing a thing or two about improvising in general, I felt like there's no wrong thing to do or play. I felt free and happy to finally not care how I sound and if the music is beautiful. Yeah, it wasn't the most complex or interesting music, but it served the stories on the stage, and it felt like I was expressing myself.

Yeah, sometimes playing badly is amazing. Thanks Charles.


Charles: It doesn't matter how many hours you put in
*Ling Ling Wants to know your location*


Charles:"Many of you are musicians"

Me:yeah i can whistle breathing in and out


Around 9:45 he talks about "you didn't learn anything" if you just followed a tutorial and memorized shapes. There is a guy who teaches Spanish on youtube 'Dreaming Spanish' is his channel. One of his videos words it like this. (my paraphrase) "You didn't 'learn' Spanish. You just 'acquired' it." He goes on to say some of the same things Charles says about how it takes years of study and practice to truly learn it.


Davie 504 : song
Twosteviolin : peice
Charles Cornell :



I'm a classically trained pianist, and you just described exactly how I feel playing simple improv.


Imma say it, Charles Cornell is such a inspiration


This channel:
Came for the MEMES, stayed for the high quality and thoroughly explained music theory. I love it.
Keep up this hard work Charles.


"You're probably here because you're a musician"
*dies in Cardi B's Uggs*


I've been teaching guitar for nearly 20 years. I remember one occasion in specific where I had a student who had learned a decent slice of classic rock guitar covers, note for note, including the guitar solo for You Shook Me All Night Long which was kind of his flagship achievement up to that point and he could totally slay it. At some point I was trying to encourage him to try improvising a solo on the same progression. I gave him a scale shape and told him to focus on exploring what each of the notes in the scale sounds like and not to be concerned with anything more than that. And over the course of the lesson, his hands just kept grasping back onto the safety of the written solo to the point where he was frustrating himself. I wish this video existed 10 years ago. It would have been a help. Improvising was at the heart of my musical efforts and exploration from the very start so it didn't dawn on me how daunting it could be for somebody with a different background.


Literally exactly what I needed to hear. Been getting very frustrated and bored while practicing, which also made me less likely to practice in the first place. Thank you!


Someone: so what languages do you speak apart from English?
Charles: I am fluent in *piano*


Hey Charles I love your videos and I think you should look at a Mr. Rogers episode and break down the music on the show. I’d love to watch it!


Love this video! Inspires me! Kind of relates to what John Mayer once said. "Learn the thing that is the building block for the thing you just learned...trace back why you like the thing and learn the thing that made the thing you like and you will be five times better every time you do that."

It's great if you learn a song note for note but then you just understand that song not necessarily why that song sounds the way it does.
