UTILITIES ADDON for Minecraft Bedrock Edition in-depth Review

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Minecraft Marketplace UTILITIES addon, is it worth the $4 pricetag?

- Vein Miner - mines whole ore vein
- Tree Chopper - cuts down whole trees
- Quarry Tool - removes a 7x7 area of stone
- Lantern - lights up the area around you
- Mine smelter - smelts ore as you mine
- Cheap Trades - makes villager trades cheaper
- Craftable Items
- Much much more...

00:00 Addon details
00:24 bug ?
1:01 How it works
2:20 All Utilities
4:55 Overpowered?
6:08 Tree cutter
8:05 Dynamic light
9:45 Quarry orb
10:32 Smelting amulet
11:24 Vein miner
12:12 cool features
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*Not quite the utilities I was expecting, it seems most addons are aimed at just being super overpowered? what's your thoughts on this?*

00:00 Addon details
00:24 bug ?
1:01 How it works
2:20 All Utilities
4:55 Overpowered?
6:08 Tree cutter
8:05 Dynamic light
9:45 Quarry orb
10:32 Smelting amulet
11:24 Vein miner
12:12 cool features


I love the essentials add on more good price and amazing stuff


I don't care about them being "over-powered" having a couple of mods that are ridiculous is fun.


to be honest i prefer the world utility add on and is way better with the new update


This add on is amazing for th3 fact that in a modded survival playthrough with a lot of extra bosses plus this eliminates the need for other mods like the gravestone mod that is extremely buggy.. just the fact of having these amulets is absolutely useful. No need for c9mmands when you can work for an amulet in survival that does the command. Using command is just something a lot of people don't like doing because it's just not fair


Honestly love your content bro, recently found you and I love that you go over add on packs and whatnot for Bedrock. 🔥


Lol, I think you need to do /tag remove tag of whatever you had equipped.
The ExP item thing


The mob burst tablet can be used on something like a tunnel bore or a remote detonator. It can also be used for farms that require blocks being broken a renewable replacement for tnt.


I've been using this for a week or so it's fun to discover with recipe unlocking on but deffo too op
It will be fun for making mini games with my kids


Nice vid, just subbed. I got 2 questions, do you need the stuff in your hop bar or just in your inventory? and What would you say are the most OP ones? A realm I'm joining might use this addon and I'm not very good at surviving so I want to be extra prepared.


This reminds me of many of the rings and trinkets you find in most Java mod packs like ATM9. I'm guessing most of these will fill up your inventory rather quickly. What's needed is a Curio Slot add-on but I'm not sure that's even possible on the Bedrock side. One thing I see missing is an add-on that copies FTB Ultimine. I guess the quarrying one comes close.


Ngl how I see it is as long as the item itself isn’t easy to craft it should be fine. Cause the idea of infinite potion effects isn’t bad


Watching this kind of just makes me want a baubles mod Added like some of they seem cool but just as like constant, active abilities yes seem like cheating but if they were like, hey, you can have three items on at the time kind of limited and then it’d be a lot more fair. I think a lot of these have really really good potential just having them as utilities kind of make them overpowered.


Kinda wished they had a farming amulet or something lmao the other utilities addon does some of this but includes replanting trees and stuff so I'll stick with that one even though the constant xp seems cool


To be fair, I like the idea of having options. When going out of my way to down load specific things for more challenges its going to be nice having the option to fight a boss and be able to stay in the fight till the end. It is unfortunatly one of Minecrafts down falls. I'm not dissing but Minecraft isn't exaclty an RPG and adding rpg elements without balance is overpowered.

To be honest I have tried a RPG addon that wasn't to bad but kind of tiring when the xp level or the progress in the addon went further on it made it to where a fully enchanted nether sword would have what felt like 20 seconds of spamming the attack just to kill one mob and it not being a boss and being surrounded at that.

I think this will be a great addon for those who have the "mutant addons", or something external brought in that is quite more powerful than your typical "mob"
Besides; "just cause its there doesn't mean you have to use it".

That being said: thanks for the review!


I'd love to hear your thoughts on what would be the best add ons for the perfect minecraft world! Me and my cousin always end up getting bored after a couple days and wanna get the perfect world made with the best add ons


This was the first add on I got for my shared server (on xbox) and it's helped me a lot 😂 I'm a scaredy cat and clumsy and the amount of times these saved me, damn 😂🙈 i think it's great you can turn them on and leave them behind. I had to grind to get all the materials for some of the utilities (not using cheats), which was a lot of fun! Also, the blast/damage mobs tablet is very useful for fighting elder guardians 😂😂


11:50 Anyone Noticed That It’s A Villafer?


Okay, so I have a complaint.

I’m playing a survival world and I’m trying to make the Quarry Orb and to make it, you need Infested Cobblestone to make it

The problem?



I’ve been waiting for an add on with a magnet. Not just XP but for items as well. Hopefully one day a good addon with that ability will be made…
