[Vocaloid] I'll quit using Piapro! [Kaito english]

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I'm at my last straw with Piapro studio! It is ALWAYS glitchy and recently has undergone an update that makes tuning less detailed!
I really hate Piapro not only for the glitches but because it won't let me use my freaking Vy1v4!
I have finally decided to stop because this ONE COVER I was making that was actually good, the tuning was beautiful and I had only done the pitchbends, suddenly was destroyed due to me making one tiny change in the PBS!
No covers from me until I get Luka v2 and I can use the actual vocaloid editor (who I bought before this happened)! No Kaito or Vy1v4 until I get v4.

Vsq by Sango312

Edit: You know I started to think, and I realized I was too hard on Piapro Studio. While it is certainly bad for tuning and filled to the brim with glitches it does have it's good sides!
Really the only thing I suggest using Piapro for is editing vsq/vsqx's, it has features that makes it easier that the vocaloid editor doesn't have. I might make a review on it to show the pros and cons.
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I made a rant against piapro studio. Didn't even tune it because Piapro just isn't worth it!


The Piapro V4X has the same problem but I'm get used to it . I literally export every 5 minutes to save my work. It crashes when a lot of programs run in background and when there is less memory.

But to be honest, I like the UI of piapro studio and easy to tune. Still I'm using piapro studio


I actually always use Piapro Studio ^^; On my old computer it did crash a _lot_ but on my newer computer it has had less memory crashes ^^


Same fam I legit am gonna buy a different editor purely because Piapro is so glitchy and makes everything flat as hell lol. Edit: just realized this was uploaded in 2015 lmao but it's still so true!


I really hope NewType won't have this problem


Maybe you just have a laggy computer and if you're trying to use vy1v4 using piapro make sure your piapro is the v4x version


I got Miku’s NT voicebank recently and whenever I open Piapro Studio it always crashes on its own. Even rebooting my computer doesn’t work.


What do you mean your VY1 is a male???
