for people who don't open up to others

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this may or may not help, and i felt really uncomfortable uploading it which means i'm probably following my own advice and being vulnerable. enjoy my vulnerability i guess.
whoever you are, i hope you're okay and this made you feel a little better.

insta: @tamrynnicol
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This could be me, I cant even open up to my best friend I'm always the funny friend but I went throught a few hard times and told noone but when someone has a problem I'll recognize it and listen to them (I'm pretty good at listening but not at telling)


you are the first person i found who i can really relate to, honestly took the words out of my brain and put them into something i could never explain, thank you


tried opening up to people about how I was doing because I hated being fake and just telling people I was "fine". Then my "friends" started saying I was always in a bad mood. I must've done it wrong cause I eventually drove them away plus I gained zero actual emotional intimacy with those people. We're not friends anymore. I really wonder what the line between playing the victim and being vulnerable is cause I'm back to suffering in silence. If I say how I really feel it's "too much". People only want to be around me if i'm people pleasing and being the fun and exuberant me.

So loneliness it is, since people cannot handle the real me and only accept fakeness anyway. I just talk to my mom, but she's my mom. I do want friends but any type of relationship is just painful.


this video woke me up and gave me the confidence to tell my friends about my problems


I just can't. After this last time, I've been taught that opening up just lets people know the easiest ways to manipulate, use, and discard me and I'm over it. The idea that someone will be different is an absolute myth, and the sooner I accept that and stop expecting differently the happier I will be.


My gf is like this, that’s why I saw the video for, she has been going through so much stuff lately and I want to help her, watching this really helped, thank u a lot


I know this video is out over a year ago but this makes me feel understood. Growing up, I have a hard time expressing myself. Heck, even commenting this right now is making me feel vulnerable. Knowing that there is someone who also knows how it feels to be like this makes me relieved. You literally described everything what I couldn't form in my head. Thank you so much for this video.


You’ve definitely put in the words that I’ve been feeling. It got so bad I had to look up how to open up to others. It’s SOOOO fucking hard for me and I resonated with everything you said. I think deep down I’m scared of rejection or someone using something again me. Glad to see I’m not alone, even though I feel like I am sometimes


As I watched this video, I have come to realize that seeking help from other people is indeed better than dealing with it yourself and I'm also aware now that opening up to others does not only put you at ease but also improves your relationship with that person and I couldn't have thought about this without your video miss, so thank you ^^


The being fake part hits me, it's almost like I don't want help and the people around me see that now and even have mentioned it but I just froze and said nothing cause I didn't know what to say back to that.


I love how you talk about the thought trap of "looking at it objectively". I think oftentimes we think we're seeing things in an unbiased way, but that is a lot of times not true. My therapist has been explaining how every decision should be made up of logic and emotion working together. Using only one can lead to a false perception of the nature of things.

I also love the brick wall you provide by saying, "You're being disingenuous by not being yourself". Ouch, that hurt, but so true. I have a habit of changing who I am by what I think others want of me, but this is no basis for a healthy relationship. Sometimes it's good to hear that from others, so thank you.


i know this is 4 years old but damn, I relate... Like just because I might be joking around and light-hearted doesn't mean I don't have problems. I also find I get annoyed sometimes when others are vulnerable or open up about their feelings and I see them getting sympathy and comfort (I don't show it ofc I just push through) and I think, perhaps, that I feel a bit jealous, that I don't feel like I can be that vulnerable and get sympathy, or I just don't know how to. I also don't ask for help cause I feel like when I did in the past, I just got shut down.


I feel like you're reading my mind


This is me. I'm older, and the habits are so solid that I don't think it'll ever change. But I'm not happy or sad about it.
Thanks for sharing this.


As a person that struggles comprehending vulnerability I’d like to thank you for explaining that so well. My gf constantly wanted me to be more vulnerable but I didn’t even know what that meant. Even reading the definition didn’t help me. Thank you!


I feel like you just opened my eyes to how my friend thinks, thank you very much.


Thanks for opening up!
My boyfriend passes through the same thing and, since he doesn’t feel comfortable to share his feelings, I was struggling to understand his point of view and what was going on.
Now I understand things better and thanks to your kind words about how you feel, now I get to see things clearly!

xoxo ❤️
From Brazil 🇧🇷


Thank you for the video, you made me realize why i feel lonely even after spending time with my friends. I think even if i open i kind of try to say it in a better way than i feel just to not burden others with my problems. Feel like nothing helps to feel less lonely sometimes😢


long walks help so much Thank you for putting this out it feels good to relate


just found this video while i searching up to how to open up with people. i struggle a lot to open up with people. mostly it's because i'm afraid that i looked vulnerable or people consider me as a weak person. i can relate through your story. sometimes i trying really hard to finally tell people what i feel about something and ended up overthingking it because i feel oversharing. i realize that this behavior is detrimental. i struggle a lot and don't know how to ask help. it's hard for me to make people comfortable with me. i aware about it and often ask my self what is wrong with me. sometimes it's make me insecure. but i believe that i can handle this slowly and make my self to be more confident. thank you for sharing this video!
