SPSS Tutorial (Video 47): Binary Logistic Regression Test Part 1

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to subscribe and watch all the following videos in this series:

Video 1 to 6: Data entry in SPSS
Video 7 to 8: Choosing the right statistical test for research
Video 9 to 11: Independent Samples T-Test
Video 12 to 14: One-way ANOVA Test
Video 15 to 18: Multiple Linear Regression Test
Video 19 to 22: Paired-Samples T-Test
Video 23 to 26: Pearson Correlation Test
Video 27 to 30: ANCOVA Test
Video 31 to 33: Chi-square Test of Independence
Video 34 to 37: Kruskal-Wallis H Test
Video 38 to 40: Mann-Whitney U Test
Video 41 to 43: Cramer V Test
Video 44 to 46: Spearman Rho Correlation Test
Video 47 to 50: Binary Logistic Regression Test

In this series of SPSS Tutorial videos, I present easy and simple way, step-by-step data entry and data analysis in SPSS. It covers all the most important basic statistical tests for data analysis. I start with tutorial for data entry and then discuss on how to choose the right statistical tests for research based on basic research designs: 1. Causal-comparative designs, 2. Causal-relationship designs, 3. Correlational designs, and 4. Experimental designs.

Before determining your research design and data analysis, watch the videos one-by-one, then plan for your research. By this way, you will be able to choose the right research method and research design and use the best data analysis test for your research.

In a research, you can combined several statistical tests. For example, to study motivation, attitude and performance scores of the people in a research population, you can use the Pearson Correlation Test to examine the correlations between the three variables, then you can also determine if there are differences between gender in motivation, attitude and performance using the Independent-Samples T-Test. Besides that, you can use the Multiple Linear Regression Test to analyse the effects of motivation and attitude on performance of the respondents.

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The SPSS software can be downloaded from the internet. You can also obtain the SPSS software from your institution, or other sources.
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