Steve & Coronation - Trailer loading

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EQUITANA Australia is very proud to announce that it is partnering with the Waler Horse
Society of Australia, to raise awareness of the plight of the Waler Horses in Central

The Waler Horse has a prestigious history and stories of their bravery and the numerous
times these amazing equines saved their rider's lives have been documented in many
publications; however, now they need our help.

Today Waler Horses run free in Central Australia. They are rounded up on a regular basis
and sent for processing as pet food. When their plight was brought to the attention of
EQUITANA Australia, the team 'swung into action' and contacted the Waler Horse Society of Australia with an idea on how we could help. Elizabeth Jennings from the Society instantly saw how working with EQUITANA Australia could create a lot of awareness and hopefully encourage people to look at the Waler as a potential riding partner.

The EQUITANA team then contacted Mitavite for assistance with the project and they
generously came on board as a major Sponsor, ensuring our Walers receive the best
nutritional care. Special thanks also go to our supporting partners Joseph Lyddy, Diamond Boots Australia and Wild Horse Australia.

EQUITANA Australia has called this project "The Mitavite Waler Legacy" - Australia's
History...their Future".

The project sees six wild Walers housed with trainers of very different disciplines for 12
months. These trainers and their Walers will then come to EQUITANA Sydney in 2013
(7th -- 10th November) and showcase just how far they have come in one year.

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