The last one 💔

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Fathers carry it all in silence, but sometimes even they can't hold it in. 💔


When a man cries, its not because they're weak, its because they've been strong for too long


My father cried only one time, When my mother died. And it is his first and last crying.


Father is the foundation of the house/family. You see or hear that cracking, its like the sky is falling. Fathers are strong because we must he strong. It is an honor to be strong


dad crying means very dangerous situation to the family


"Crying doesn't mean we are weak, it means we have been strong for too long...."
- A Wise Man❤


For those who dont understand: some fathers never cry its rare to see a dad cry 💔


Father will do anything for us please respect our father 🙏🙏💞😢


Dad is the pillar of the family and he is a strong man so if he cries then something bad has happened.


When I was only nine years old my dad got diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. Being only a nine year old, I didn’t know what it meant but when I saw my siblings holding each other tight, I realized, he was really, really sick. Praying and crying everyday, it went away and he even go to ring the survivors bell. A couple months later, he had an MRI and the doctors found another tumor and it had come back again and more aggressively. When my whole family of seven sat down together on the couch, we were told that we only had 3-6 more months as a family of 7. I saw him cry for the first time ever. Seeing him decrease from standing to eventually on his bed with a machine helping him to breathe, we never ever gave up. We had him for around 7 months, and two days before my dad passed away, (I was still 10) my mother got diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Im am so proud of my mom and so glad that she got to ring the bell, but seeing her be so tired and losing her hair, that’s not fair to her. My dad should’ve ring the bell right next to my mom and he did, just in spirits in heaven. My dad was the strongest person I had ever met. I’ll see you one day dad, in heaven, hugging you. ❤
(He was even part of the Coast Guard)

(Edit 1: Ty guys so so much for reading this I would’ve never imagined getting this many likes in under an hour?!!? Not to be that person but ty so so much, it means a lot ❤️🙏)
(Edit 2: OMG guys this brings literal TEARSSS to my eyes. again, not to be that person but thank you guys so so much for all the support you have given me ❤️ GOD IS GOOD 🙏 thank u thank u so so much, I can’t even describe with words how thankful I am for u guys ❤️)


Fathers are the only people that Take their problems with them without their family ever knowing.


If my 40 years of knowing my father, I have never seen him cry once. For ourselves and our family we must be the masters of our emotions so that we can think and act clearly.


I've only seen my father cry once, when he realized that cancer would not leave him any escape. Now he has been resting in peace for two years. I love you, Dad❤


Father is a man who loves his Children ❤ I can't see When my Father cry 😢 I also cry in another room 🥺 love u daddy ! 😭♥️


Dad's crying is rarely event for everyone 😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤.


If a brother is crying, it may be because of some serious problems that he doesn't want to talk about, so it's worth worrying and helping.❤❤😢


I saw my father cry very few times in my life, one of them was because he wished he could take away my pain, the other because my sister had to travel for school. That man is still my hero


My dad shed a single tear at his dads funeral. That’s the only tear I ever saw from him as a kid.


My dad never cry’s, even at his own mother’s funeral. Just to be strong for others. But, one time I saw him crying and my heart instantly broke. Me and my dad don’t like to cry in front of people like, but when we’re alone, we cry. Thank God I’m Christian so I always have the joy of the Lord in me, even when n my hardest times. But, I go and hug when someone cry’s, even my brother. And the main reason why my brother and mom cry’s, is because of me. In both a good but mostly bad way. But, when my dad cry’s, it’s… different. Cause I know why he’s crying even if he doesn’t say it. And then I start to cry. But, it’s weird to see my younger brother crying because he doesn’t really know how to express his emotions and feelings. I love my family a lot, even though they get on my nerves sometimes.😅❤ When I talk to my mom she somewhat gets me. But when I talk to my dad he’s like the one only one who really understands me and my cousin too.


I never seen my dad cry but when his brother passed away the first I saw my dad cry and it made me cry to 😢😢😢
