Always Do This Before Leaving a Job

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Before you turn in that resignation letter to your boss, it’s important to take care of some data management first. In the video above, I go over the steps you should take to back up your data and erase any personal information from work devices.

Back up work files

You don’t know how quickly the IT department may revoke access to your computer, so it’s important to copy any work files to an external hard drive or cloud service. Just make your that any files you take are your work, and don’t contain any confidential information. You don’t want to find yourself on the other end of a lawsuit because you’re accused of stealing confidential company IP.

-Abu Zafar

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Рекомендации по теме

Cant do this if you work for the Federal Government in the USA.


Orrrr... Don't put personal data on a work device and don't steel the corporate data contacts.


That work product is not actually yours, you were paid to produce that, is company property. You should talk to your HR/Supp person before you actually download any data to a personal HD. So I would not recommend following the advice in this video, you could get into trouble. Do everything by the book, that's my advice.


Always got last minute notifications when my department was getting axed. There's a reason HR says: "Follow Me. We'll send you your stuff later."


*Notices Wii U GamePad in the background*
Ah... a man of culture I see 😏


What about the other job types? This does not apply to all jobs... I recommend a new video title.
