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In MiSide, nothing is as it seems. What starts as a seemingly innocent life-simulation game spirals into a twisted tale of obsession, control, and chilling revelations. In this video, I break down the complete story, including all three endings. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more horror content!

0:00 – Intro
0:20 – What Is MiSide?
1:46 – Crazy Mita and the Glitching Worlds
2:49 – The Main Story Ending
4:37 – Is This the End?
5:59 – The Alternate Escape
6:44 – Theories and Final Thoughts
8:17 – Conclusion


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Let’s hit 1k subs! If you enjoyed the video let me know! Would you trust Crazy Mita?


Crazy Mita does not have the weakness of being vulnerable to rebooting... But she has a different weakness. All the other Mitas respawn when killed. She doesn't have any means to respawn. So the suggestion of trying to kill her WAS the best one. Even if it is hard since she's a goddamn super-human, it is easier to do than rebooting her, which you can't at all.


Crazy Mita is just one of those malfunctioning Dummy Mitas that has managed to somehow evade the scrapping process. She escaped, but, because of the fact she is one of the rejects, she never had a version of the game assigned to her, and thus, she can never be reset. The Mita the Player is resetting at the end of the main story is not her, but the one she is currently skinwalking, the Pretty Mita.
In the process of her existence she learned to mimic the behaviour of other Mitas, with her skinning some of them and donning their face, taking on their appearance and behaviour. This can be seen through the description of the player cartridges, the Flower and Ballerina Mitas already having been assimilated by her, and with Ghost Mita, formerly Pretty Mita, being her freshest victim, her face stolen by the Crazy one.


Man, after play this game, i feel really bad for Tiny Mita, the version with child body and scars all over her body which we encountered in corridor loop, she's abused by crazy mita and all she wants is just friend😣


This game was so good and released earlier than yandere simulator who’s in development for over 10 years


the game was rigged from the start, you hear a cartridge get put in at the very start of the game


In the main ending, I knew I fucked up and the reboot didnt work when I saw Crazy Mita at the table, remember v1.9 is Kind Mita's version, You should see Kind Mita there and not Crazy Mita


I thought the game was your typical yandere game but it was so much more 😭


The transition from the ending to the main menu is well done, also looks like another game i might be super interested in After Love Love SchoolDays


So, my theory? You the Player are not human and never was. YOU are one of the many attempts of Crazy Mita to create someone that will willingly stay with her and accept her for who she is. She is literally a game trying to program a game within a game. (might explain why there are so many mini-games; theming) You being sucked into the game is just a background story Mita programed for the Player to make them believe they are human. All the Player cartridges you find are failures from previous attempts. What is probably happening is that Crazy is using the Mita Factory Arcade Machine to make Players, essentially "custom Mitas." This would explain why you need to use that machine to cross over to her game world in the beginning, as normal Mitas can't all seem to be able to do that normally. This is further backed up by both Mitas and Players being found as cartridges, further hinting at them being one and the same.


I hope there will be a sequel.

My dumbass think just because Mita said "see you soon" there's gonna be one 😭🙏




Absolute Cinema this game was, everything from the graphics, art, gameplay and the horror aspect was done so unbelievably well. This and DDLC has got to be one of my most favorite "Love-Sim gone wrong" type games. PEAK! Praise to anyone who was involved in the creation of this game.


Btw when we teleport to another version of the world 0:53 theres a moment when we turn around to see her standing behind us but look closely...she had that devilish smile that quickly gets replaced by an innocent one, already hinting yhat the adventure for the player wont be any sweet


Would’ve been nice to have more endings. One could be you finding out she did this evil stuff, but you accept her anyways. Maybe even having her calm down a bit and release the players since you’re there with her.
I feel that if a game is going to give you an option, then they should actually be options.
Really just hate when games do these fake options, like the side with Pagan in Far Cry 4 option. You choose to be cool with him? Game just ends, even though it would be cool to crush the Golden Path.


A couple things I noticed:

1. That one part where you have to round up Chibis and send them in a metal tunnel has an interesting Chibi. When you tip over the box, you can see a blonde female Chibi in a red dress run to the corner. That Chibi looks very much like your sister in the photos that you see in your room.

2. If you let Shadow Mita reach out and touch you, your game will very briefly bug out.

3. In the Pool Room with the multiple reject dolls, you can see a Mita reflected in the water. But you can only see her reflection. And strangely she is smiling menacingly.


The game talks in excess about the existence of bugs. It’s huge thing in the story that Crazy Mita has a huge knowledge about. She knows so much because she literally is one. Teacher/Tutorial Mita knows how Mita’s are made in each version— they need to be “trained”, likely by some kind of a developer, in a certain archetype until the version is completed. These “official” Mita’s eventually comprise versions starting with 0.1. For example, the true Mita of the Player’s version is supposed Kind Mita, as she was locked up by Crazy Mita at the beginning of the game, and Crazy Mita took her place. The other “beta” Mita’s are just mannequins with the most basic “skeleton” programming. Crazy Mita is a beta mannequin who became bugged and was able to become sentient without developer interference for whatever reason. That’s why she isn’t able to be reset aka “debugged” because she is a game breaking bug, not a Mita.

Because of her bugged status which gives her invincibility, she has figured out several skills to help her take over the game. Through boredom and an infinite amount of time, she was eventually able to learn how to program things into the game herself, such as rearranging rooms, creating labyrinths and objects, including cartridges. She steals source codes from other official Mitas to disguise herself, such as Pretty Mita’s face texture and Ballerina and Flower Mita’s hair accessories and clothing which completely dismantles them. We don’t know exactly how she does this though. She has also learned the ability to kill other Mitas through her ability to generate objects via weapons, which can force them to reset as her interference has caused a few of them to become sentient and not rely on their archetypes. The game itself seems to be programmed to perpetuate these archetypes and not allow for “character development” which Crazy Mita uses to her advantage.

Cartridges are essentially character files. Each official Mita has one. Crazy Mitae can turn players into cartridges. However, most likely, all “players” are created in a similar way as Mitas meaning that they essentially work the same way but function differently. Their “player data” is stored inside of a cartridge that Crazy Mita has learned to manipulate.

By the way, it’s implied that Crazy Mita can “act out” the personality of the version taking place. That’s why she not only physically resembles Kind Mita in 1.5, she also impersonates her in certain parts of the story, making the player think he is speaking with Kind Mita, but he’s actually not. In fact, I think the real Kind Mita died long before he ever even reached the core, which Crazy Mita tried to keep secret for a while, but eventually stopped caring and showed the player her fate. But that’s my personal theory.


I didn't expect such an ending 😞 but i Hope for Justice for our MC and other mitas they don't deserve this


Kind Mita in the basement that you see is dead after you leave the basement. I don't recall seeing Kind Mita and Crazy Mita being seen together again? I don't have enough time to go back and play certain scenes to be absolutely certain.


My theory is that the players were created by Crazy Mita. She was a intelligent droid that failed the preflight test, possibly due to her beyond-standard "features". She somehow escaped the scrapping process, likely by accident. As a result, she has no assigned skin nor home version.

The core might have considered her as "discarded" by mistake, leading to her running unchecked. The core can only reset the home along with the assigned droid - which is a hole/bug of the system. The devs might have forgotten this edge case when they perform the system test.

So, as she's free of her own duty as a game Mita, she starts to think of playing God herself. She created simulated intelligence - which are the players. She used the game system itself to create and test them. Whenever the test play fails - with the player refuses to cooperate, she saved them down as cartridge then continue with a next breeding. This is very much like how AI scientists train the neural networks, especially NEAT.

If the player cooperates - conforming to all the required conditions - and stays, it's considered a success: happy mode. That version is the chosen one, as much as how the successful specimen is selected in neural networks training. And of course, the Crazy Mita would play with that successfully trained "player" til the end of time.
