Why does Scotland call Charles II the two-faced monarch?

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He didn't install presbyterianism, but he was the king who brought back partying


Cromwell crowned his son as his successor and the people thought "Hang on! You just replaced one royal dynasty with another! We might as well have the real King back, not your useless son!"


Man HH is such a banger history channel


I don't know why I was so happy when they used the reference from Horrible Histories


he was the king who brought back partying


After closing all the Roman Catholic Monasteries, Henry VIII made himself head of the Church of England/Anglican Church, which I describe as "being one Pope shy of being Roman Catholic." It would be pretty awkward for the head of the Church of England to declare that Henry VIII was wrong & disestablish the Church of England in order to establish the Presbyterian Church of Scotland as the State Church. Plus all of Scotland would be thoroughly enraged when Charles II declared himself head of the Presbyterian Church.


🎶 I'm the King that brought back partying 🎶


Fun fact: Charles II married Catherine of Braganza, a Portuguese princess, in 1662. The couple never had children but the King wasn’t a faithful husband. He had many affairs and had more than 12 illegitimate (a child born to parents not married to each other) children.😢


"Charles was _unusually_ tall for the time period.."

Charles II was 6"2


"Install Presbyterianism in all three of his kingdoms". Yeah that was never going to work in Ireland 😅


Okay, generally good but why did you show images of the wrong Anglo-Scottish wars? The ones you show were medieval and there’s a brilliant painting of the battle of Dunbar, 1650, with Cromwell.

Also, not all Scots were Presbyterians nor fans of this idea - for instance, James Graham of Montrose.


Oh the joys of being monarch over three kingdoms which have different cultures, traditions, and religious ideas. Proof that you can't please everyone.


Hahaha!😂💥🤩 It wasn't the same car park in which they found Richard III, was it?


I have a strange feeling that the statue was there before the car park. 🤫💂‍♂️🇬🇧


I've never been taught Scottish history.
And I'm Scottish and I've never been taught MY OWN HISTORY


As a descendant of Charles I would like to say that I am a descendant of Charles…..


My name is, my name is
My name is, Charles the Second!

I love the people
And the people love me
So much that they restored
The English monarchy!

I’m part Scottish, French, Italian
A little bit Dane
But one hundred percent party animal

Spaniels I adored
Named after me too
Like me, they were fun
With a nutty hair do!

Is today my birthday?
I can’t recall
Let’s have a party anyway
Because I love a masked ball!

All hail, the king!
Of bling! Let’s sing!
Bells ring! Ding ding!
I’m the king who brought back partying!

King Charles, my daddy
Lost his throne and kings were banned
They chopped off his head
Then Olly Cromwell ruled the land

Old Olly wasn’t jolly
He was glum, and he was proud
Would be miserable as sin
Only sinning’s not allowed!

When Olly died, the people said
‘Charlie, me hearty!
Get rid of his dull laws
Come back, we’d rather party! ‘

This action’s what they called
The monarchy restoration
Which naturally was followed
By a huge celebration!

The King of Eng! (Land say!)
No sin! Too sing! (Okay!)
Or anything!
All say, I’m the king who brought back partying!

Great London Fire was a whopper!
In my reign, London city came a-cropper!
So this king did what was right and proper
Fought the fire, proved I’m more than a bopper
I’m a fire stopper!

Married Catherine Braganza
She was a love so true
There would never be another
Well… Maybe one or two!

Lucy Walter, Nell Gwynne
Moll Davies, Barbara Villiers
You think that’s bad
But her name’s not as silly as…
Hortense Mancini!

As king, I must admit I broke the wedding rules
But who cares when I brought back the crown jewels?
I reinstated Christmas make up, sports and even plays
I was the merry monarch, they were good old days!

When said and done!
King Charles did run!
England for fun!
I was the king loved by everyone
My song is done!

Party anyone?


Crazy times … an ancestor of ours was in this mix, though until Charles II made it back, he was chilled out in the Tower of London.


You could not have missed the facts more. This May be true what you said BUT!
He was known as the 2 Faced monarch because he lied to his own people about what he promised other powers of the time and the gifts he gave them instead of giving these things, like riches and livestock to his own people to keep from being invaded.


My name is-
My name is-
My name is Charles II.
