'Exogenesis' - Oona BROWN & Gage BROWN skate to @muse in New York City, 2021

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U.S. Ice Dancers and brother and sister duo, Oona and Gage Brown, perform their 2021-22 Junior Free Dance just before sunrise, on the ice skating rink at Bryant Park in New York City. They skate to the music of @muse, with arrangements by Hugo Chouinard. They are coached and choreographed by Joel Dear and Inese Bucevica. Filmed by Jordan Cowan of @OnIcePerspectives on Thanksgiving weekend 2021.

🌈 📺 This video was recorded and mastered for HDR Dolby Vision. It is best viewed in the YouTube app on a device or TV that supports HDR video.

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omg really excited ! Became a fan after “nothing else matters”


I don't think it gets better than this. Choreography is outstanding. Transitions are flawless. Their skill for blending fluidity with dynamic athleticism while making it look so easy is almost mind boggling. I believe this is indeed the greatest ice dance performance I've ever 'experienced'. Simply exquisite!

Thank you Jordan.


This brother sister team is the most spectacular ice dancing team I’ve seen. Unbelievable! Expressive and flawless. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.


Its been forever since Nothing but matters, but I'm a 100% fan, they skate so beautifully together, in perfect time, and even in practice their emotions shine, I adore them!!


I can't believe we're getting a new performance from these two. Their previous video made me a HUGE fan, this is incredible!!


WOW!!! Just so beautiful and with so much emotional sensitivity!


As a Muse fanatic, these two skated BEAUTIFULLY to the music. The choreo is amazing, transitions to the music are beautiful, and the music editing is good. The edit from Exogenesis Symphony Part 1 into I Belong To You was chilling and so beautiful. I'll be rooting for them this season!


it's have been 1 year since I first saw them and I could not forget them, it was the most beautiful dance I ever saw and sometimes I still get me watching the "Nothing Else Matters" over and over again, can't wait to see them making art on ice again


Great skating team ever. The world’s best. Fan since Nothing else Matters performed in New York during Lockdown


These guys are OMG!!! How can they be THIS GOOD so


I can't wait!! Their nothing eles matters skate was incredible!! I have been following them now, and they are so incredible ice dancers. I am so happy you did another video of them!!


Everything about this performance is magical. I love the simple outfits - nothing distracts from the dancers. They don’t need all the bling. They only need each other and the music. Such harmony. I love their music taste! And they’re just unique in their expression. There’s nothing theatrical it feels authentic and emotional and so very elegant and gentle yet strong and passionate. It’s basically the ice skating pendant to Billie Eilish and her brother Fineas. They were also home schooled together I believe. There’s something very pure and honest in them. I just can’t stop watching these too. I hope there will be more videos. Please share your talent guys! Us mere mortals need something to keep us in the magical zone. Thank you! And Mr Camera Man - you’re in this performance also. A very critical part of it actually. The way you look at them and capture them let’s us see it in all their beauty. Thank you for sharing your talent as well. 🙏


I LOVE that they are both dressed the same so I can fully appreciate the both of their abilities. When the female is put in these ridiculous dresses my eye always gets drawn to the sparkles and flow and the male in the pair almost becomes a tool for throwing or fling the female partner. This way I can see both of them and their beauty


They have old souls and it shows through their breathtaking performances. They show that vulnerability is strength and power in every move they so beautifully make. Once again, thank you On Ice Perspectives, for letting us more correctly "feel" their programs and movements for those of us who aren't skaters. Choreographer(s), you are obviously inspired and so very creative; thank you for matching these two wonderful skaters so well and showing their best. To whoever picks out the music, your taste is impeccable. And much love and eternal respect to their family for their ongoing support.


Man, I have watched a lot of skaters and these kids are still the best. When they are on, no one can compare.


Nie mogłam oderwać od Was wzroku, wczoraj syn mi to udostępnił przez córkę, byłam pod mocnym wrazeniem tej pary.
Pomyślałam, jak oni się muszą kochać, ufać .
Dziś zobaczyłam więcej, to rodzeństwo.
Jacy jesteście piękni, wysportowani, jak 2 Boże Iskry, błyszczycie swoim talentem wrażliwością, i braterską i siostrzaną miłością.
Gdzie teraz to rzadkość zobaczenia takiej szczerej i pięknej miłości rodzeństwa.
Idźcie w świat, wasze połówki i świat niech Was podziwia, aż do skończenia świata i o jeden dzień dłużej.
Jesteście Magiczni, przyciągacie każdym gestem, każdym spojrzeniem, każdym krokiem.
Coś pięknego, chciałbym Was kiedyś oglądać w telewizji, Bóg Niech Was Błogosławi, a Duch Święty Niech Wam daje popisowe mądrości i kreuje Was, opiekuje się Wami.
Jezus Niech Będzie Światłem na Waszej drodze, a Maryja Będzie nad Wami i Całą Waszą Rodziną Czuwać, Jak Najlepsza Matka.
To Wasz Talent, pomnazajcie Go zatem
Wszystkiego Najlepszego i Najcudowniejszego Kochani., 💖💐💖😇🌷❤
Wielkie brawa dla kamerzysty 😊❤❤❤


I was NOT a fan of ice dancing early on. . .now it has become my favorite. I love following this pair!


Like most people commenting, I also became a fan after the “Nothing Else Matters” performance that drew me in as both an ice skating fan/former skater and huge Metallica fan. That first performance I saw was absolutely captivating! The amount of emotion & feeling visible in the skating was awe inspiring! Now this! I’m so happy to say that they don’t disappoint! These two are DESTINED for the Olympics!! All of my very best wishes to you both!! I’ll be rooting for y’all every step of the way!!❤️ You are an absolute joy to watch and I see you joining the ranks of Chock & Bates, Moir & Virtue and Davis & White to name just a recent few!🥇


Absolutely Wonderful performance! As a senior citizen, watching the two of you on the ice is like catching a brief glimpse at the Fountain of Youth! The joy you express, and your youthful energy that comes shining through is totally intoxicating! Thank you both so much for this incredible performance!


Mesmerizing. Music is haunting, and performance is gorgeous. Gage and Oona Brown have a bright future ahead of them.
