Get This Off My Chest || Spoken Word

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I've struggled with Depression for 6 years, i am 15 years old, i have stopped self harming and drug abusing due to your videos, thank you so much for your inspirational words, and guide to god. Thank you for allowing me to be me and find my voice, and be okay, and trust in God. Much love, i am incredibly and forever grateful


I'm 11 and I watched your video Jesus Jesus Jesus till day I die it gave me inspiration hope because I'm getting picked on at school and when I watched it i amazed of you


I'm only 14 years old, but I watch all of your videos, they make me cry because I think about my past an tell God I'm sorry am pray every night and I feel disappointed in myself because for so many years I haven't went to church, I got saved when I was like 9 but that was so long ago I feel like I haven't been saved anymore I feel the Same, I thought I would feel different but your videos make me want to get really close to God an I really pray every night for like 10 min about myself an thank him for what he's done but I just wanted to say thanks for your videos because they have really helped me a lot ❤️😩


I don't know if you're gonna reply to this. But I want to let you know that I was watching this video with the though of suicide on my mind. You saved my life.


Man you motivate me and I'm only 13 and um telling everyone to go look u up. You inspire me so much and your words touch me I'm glad God showed me too u. Keep doing what your doing man.


As a Spoken artist, I get told a lot from my friends that my works are garbage. I have only a few people who encourage my writings and my parents are not one of them. So thank you Clay for this vid, it's something I forget that God has a plan for my works even if I am to blind to see it.


This video was sent to me on accident, but I watched it anyways and I'm glad I did because now I realized that this video wasn't no accident. This was a message from God. So thank you, for being a follower in Christ Jesus. God bless you and have a wonderful day


"And I know if any child is watching this and feels inspiration to be something one day then i know i have made it." Clayton I will tell you this. I am 13 years old, I just found you today, I couldn't have felt more motivated. I love how you put and say things, not sugar coding anything no matter what religion people are, you tell the truth how it is. You've made it! 😊


Wow. I need you to know as a fellow Christian I am often lacking inspiration to fight temptation, but it's people like you who help keep me on my feet. One day I'll be able to inspire others spiritually like that.


This was one of the first videos that I saw and then I met Clayton Jennings in Decherd Tennessee and that night my girlfriend then let Jesus into her life I was standing there with tears in my eyes because I Knew that she had been Saved! We have been married for a little over a year now and we love each other ten fold, she asked me if anyone came before her in my life and I said yes. God comes before you, because without God in our lives....we have nothing. Thank you Clayton Jennings for your words that brought my wife to Jesus. Love you brother.


I thought I lost myself til I found you and heard you and now I pray harder than ever before. Thank you Clayton!


a friend introduced me to your videos and they amaze me....i have strayed away from the lord but you helped me realize a lot. I don't know you personally but your videos say a whole lot. I won't say "I love you" because I don't know you but I will say I love the messages you send through your music. I take what you say to heart so thank you and don't stop doing what you're doing because not many people find the courage or motivation to do the same. we need more people like you clayton. praise the lord for people like you... :)


Ooh lord I ain't never getting tired of this, God is truly the greatest, I have no word for the care and love he gives us, its all eternal and it makes me so emotional to think how he changed me a 15 year old teen's life into something that has a meaning, something that makes sense, and now I'm here living my life to the fullest knowing my KING is on his way to rescue me if only I keep believing and praying 🙏🏾 thank you GOD for inspiring others so they can inspire other and so it goes on, thank you for giving me the ability to hear and see so that I can acknowledge this message in my heart, and know that everything is POSSIBLE WITH YOU. AMEN❤️🙌🏾


9 times out of ten, the majority or nights, no matter WHAT ON EARTH takes place during the daytime, I have to listen to this and usually a few of your other videos this time of night. It keeps my head above water and continues to keep me waking up and moving forward in Gods footsteps no matter what. And keeps me from not giving up delivering Gods words no matter what's going on in my own personal life. You never know what type of effect you may have on a complete stranger. Keep treading brother!


I'll leave you with one thing brother,
"you have made it!"


Bro, thank you so much for this. This was the fire I needed to push me towards God even more than before.


I am 14 and I deal with peer pressure everyday, but through it all these videos have helped me see the truth 🙏🏻


Praise you Jesus! Thank you God for this young man of God!


Dude.. that is too deep! Your remix of "when I became a man" was my turning point and that's when I decided I wanted to be a better Christian. And I owe that to the Lord who introduced me to my pastor who introduced me to you. I too am planning on making spoken word videos because you've been such a great inspiration as to how my talent can change someone's life! Live strong. Collins Z.


dude, this was awesome. 1st time coming across your pg and subscribed 30 seconds into the video.
