All 11 'Cities' In Wyoming Ranked WORST to BEST

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The Best Places to Live in Rural Wyoming after I Visited All 11 Cities in the Least Populated State!

Wyoming is one of the most Beautiful, and in my opinion, BEST States to Live in America in 2024... So while there are many reasons Why "Nobody" Lives in Wyoming, I went to EVERY "City" and Town with over 10,000 residents in the state... including Cheyenne, Casper, Laramie, Rock Springs, Gillette, Sheridan, Jackson, Riverton, Lander, and Cody... And Ranked them from Worst to Best!

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*Huge shoutout to Manscaped for sponsoring today's video!*
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In Wyoming, if the population is greater than the elevation, it's a city.


In my experience moving to wyoming has helped make my retirement years less worrisome. Its been two years since I retired with $450k, and while inflation has made it challenging to maintain the same lifestyle, relocating here has helped manage expenses better. It's been easier to stretch my savings and hopefully I won't outlive it.


We're BACK! What did you think of this new style of video? *And what's YOUR Favorite City or Town in Wyoming?!*


Having been through Wyoming many times, Sheridan is more impressive than Gillette.


About to move to Laramie for law school. Really enjoyed the town when I visited. Can't wait to live there!


I grew up in Cody. Lived my first 21 years in WY. Attended/graduated from UW/Laramie some 50 years ago now. After that, 2 years in IN, 5 years in VA, 2 years CA, Finally, 37 years in WA. My family and I vacation regularly in CO. For short stays, I've visited many other locales, including OR, ID, MT, NV, TX, NY, MS, WV, MD, PA, OH, MI, NC, SC, GA, AL, AZ, KS, MO, ND, SD, MN. So, I consider myself well-traveled with a frame of reference that is cognizant of what many states have to offer. Wyoming is a bit of an aberration (compared to the rest of the country). It's a good place to raise children, but it is difficult to make a living there. Winters are long, bitterly cold, and the I-80 corridor has the highest wind energy density of any place in the lower 48 states. That said, would I move back to WY? Yes! -- in a heartbeat. Alas, my young wife is a Filipina and she does not want to face the cold weather in WY. I can't say that I blame her. If I was going to choose today, I'd move to Laramie or Cheyenne -- but not because I consider them the best places in Wyoming. I just enjoy the close proximity to UW and to Denver. I'm a MLB fan. I follow the Mariners (Seattle - AL) and the Rockies (Colorado - NL). And that's why I would choose southeast WY.


We purchased our Cody, WY home two years ago after much study and deliberation as retirement approached. Like you, Cody was the logical #1 choice and we LOVE IT! The town's large and beautifully maintained recreation center allows people of all ages to stay fit. Yes, winters are cold but that's what 401Ks are for . . . snowbird money.


Sheridan is every locals dream town to move to in Wyoming and has a cheaper housing cost than the #1 on this list. Gillette is dead place last tied with Riverton, Rock Springs and Rawlings. Jackson isn’t considered real Wyoming anymore because they kicked almost all the native cowboys out. Otherwise, I absolutely loved this video and am impressed with all your facts and footage you shared in this video.


You finally back after 4 months! I’m patiently still waiting on the Americas video where you rank all of the countries in the Americas from worst to best. I would love to see Africa as well.


I knew you were going to say that... I live in Cody and I've been here for over 17 years. We're really trying to keep the Jackson contagion out of here and preserve Cody as a family friendly town rather than a playground for the obscenely rich. The one thing about Wyoming is that is particularly true of Cody... if you're not into the great outdoors, this place is not for you. Urbanites need not apply.


How fun! I was born in Wyoming and my family lived in Cody until I was 10. Loved it. Enjoyed a nostalgic trip back as an adult. Glad you made it #1!


I have lived in casper for 13 years. I moved for one year but the rest i have lived here for practically my whole life. Im 14.


I'll be brutally honest: I've been considerably critical of much of your previous content because even though you did somewhat back up your rankings with certain statistics, a lot of it did feel out of your depth and thus impersonal: thus just not really resonating with me with how cherry-picked a lot of your assertions and observations were.

However, I am genuinely impressed by this new approach and new video of yours. I genuinely got the sense you did indeed visit all of these small cities with your ample B-roll, mentioning very specific festivals, restaurants, cafes and other institutions in each of them, and also incorporating ancillary details like closest major city to provide additional context.

I highly encourage you to keep making videos with this new approach, this is by far my favorite video of yours to date! 🙂


Nice video! Good to see Cody as top pick. I live in nearby Powell, also a great city in Wyoming.


Riverton, Wyoming resident here.
I moved to town to work at Central Wyoming College and have lived here 4 years. CWC is one of the highest ranked junior colleges in the country and a fantastic place to work. It has one of the best performing arts facilities in the state with great community music and theatre options. Riverton also has one of the state's best and most challenging golf courses (hosts USGA qualifying), a convenient airport with daily commercial flights, and one of the most beautiful viewscapes of any Wyoming city with the Wind River mountains to the west and the Owl Creek mountains to the north.

The crime and substance use statistics you mention are legitimate issues, but I've found the vibe of the town to still be neighborly, friendly, and community minded.

Finally, Riverton's Central location in the state allows you to live away from the busy and expensive tourist areas while still being within day-trip driving range of the outdoor playgrounds in all parts of the state.

There are a lot of terrific towns in this ranking that are pretty hard to compete with, so I actually don't think it's unfair to rank Riverton near the bottom. I do feel though that the narration paints an unrealistically bleak picture.


As a lifetime WY resident, most of us don’t claim Jackson. Definitely the most beautiful town but the politics DO NOT align with almost all of the rest of WY. The median cost of a home should have put it as the worst. 2.1 million says it all.


I've just discovered your site and I'm happy that you name Casper as a very pleasant location to live in. My wife and I are Frenchies from Nice, French Riviera, and we intend to settle down in Casper, where we spent a fortnight between Dec 20th 2023 and Jan 5th 2024. We enjoyed an extraordinary weather ( +10° C, -10°C) and a light breeze during our stay there. I understand that winters must generally be harsher, but on the whole this place is worth living in! Thank you for this video!


Love the video idea! Like we know all about Austin and LA and New York. Tell us about beautiful Wyoming cities with 10, 000 people! Yes, do Montana next!


Every time I watch a video on Wyoming it just makes me want to move there more! I spent 20 summers there in my younger days and loved it. But the wife will never, ever do it: cold, windy, dark, snowy winters...
