Stories of Us — Adrienne Johnson: Why I Am No Longer an Atheist | Stories of Us

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PragerU Director of Communications Adrienne Johnson was once a cynical atheist, struggling to find meaning and purpose in ways that left her feeling even more adrift and alone. After hitting rock bottom, she learned that it’s never too late to take responsibility and change your life. Adrienne shares her powerful personal story of how finding faith in God gave her a second chance at life.

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Don't understand how people find stories such as this video compelling.

I heard nothing from this person that I haven't heard from others who overcame "bad parenting", "regret of misguided choices", or overall "life struggles" by other methods/tools. Every change in self this person discussed I can't see where any belief in any deity is necessary.

This person is now happy in life, good.
I still hear testimony for the "effectiveness of god" because it feels good.

Can't help but think this video is for believers to stroke thier "belief/faith ego"


I'm crying! This is a beautiful story. I feel like it's so many of our stories. I filled my void with drugs & alcohol. I lost everything several times. I grew up in a Christian home so I was constantly ashamed about my choices. I finally decided to stop looking everywhere else for the love I needed, & look where it'd been all along... in my heart where I'd let Jesus in so many years before. 🙏🇺🇸💙


Adrienne's life mirrors mine, and likely SO MANY Others. The BIG difference is that I grew up as a "Professing" Christian - in a False Religion, a.k.a. Christian Cult. In MANY ways, FALSE Religion can be worse than NO Religion. Praise God for rescuing me thru the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! "The just shall live by Faith". Rom 1:17


That didn't sound like she was describing an atheist. Sounds like one of many troubled kids who'd rather blame her parents for her own shortcomings.


Sounds like a Christian's idea of what an atheist is.

Why are you an atheist? Because I have a hole, because I am angry, because I am a sinner, etc. That isn't atheism.


I can't help but notice these atheist conversion stories never come from atheists who had thought out ideas or beliefs as atheists.


So... you were fairly inconsiderate and not self-aware enough to realise that you weren't really happy with how your life was at the time, then after a traumatic event you took some time to reflect on your life and decided to work on yourself and are now much happier. That is great, congrats.

Where exactly does God come into this though? You seem to be the one that both harmed your life in the first place and turned it around in the end, why did this experience change your views on theology at all?


Most ex atheists where never atheists in the first place... they're probably just agnostic or "don't give much thought about it". It's almost impossible for you to go back believing in the supernatural after you stop it.


Nothing substantial that would convince me to return to Christianity. She’s talking but she isn’t saying anything. So glad to be in the real world.


Ex atheist, born again Christian here. Was raised in the Catholic Church in Chicago Illinois and baptized as a 1 year old… but never believed, it never meant anything to me… but felt a hole in my life too, followed God, and got baptized several years ago in the Jordan River in Israel.


If you need a god to tell you what’s right and wrong, you are not a moral person at all.


If you have a God-sized hole in your heart, you are not an atheist.


Beautiful! Jesus REDEEMER of all the broken pieces of our lives 🙌🏽


Really ironic that she talks about getting both side of the argument in order to choose her political view, but when it comes to choosing religion she had an emotional response to a Fictional Christian apologetics story.

Also it’s really telling what has happened to Christianity that they can’t have a simple conversion story that doesn’t include political views.


*WOW, That was a BEAUTIFUL STORY, I'm a 38 year old male and I relate so much to your story, , GOD IS A AMAZING GOD, and I'm glad I can call u a sister couse I also have been SAVED🙏, Thank u for Sharing💜*


Parents allowing their kids to do whatever they want as described by this former “atheist” has to do with parenting, not morality.


Her reaction to alleged liberal intolerance was "why can't I be a conservative and have piercings and tattoos?" but her reaction to alleged Christian intolerance was "gosh I hope they accept me with my piercings and tattoos!"



Synopsis: “Capitalistic excess was unfulfilling until American Evangelicalism taught me to hate myself.”


“He can work with anything, if you give it to him.”

Wow. That one hit deep. ✊


She was never an atheist the same way she not a true theist, so sad to see people this way
