“It's Not Good... It's Not Bad: The Kennewick Encounter” | Paranormal Stories

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In this video, I look at two cases, including one from Washington, where a woman visiting friends encounters something strange in her room. I also look at another case from Minnesota in which a man's night of gaming gets serious when something checks in on him.

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Author: Beyond Creepy
Background footage filmed/photographed by Beyond Creepy using a Panasonic Lumix

All background footage is filmed by me using a Panasonic Lumix. stock images. All audio narrations are provided by me (Beyond Creepy) or existing free-for-use sources. All stories are exclusively written for this channel by me.

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I'll never forget when I was much younger than I am today, and being autistic, was doing something I would do when full of more energy than I could really deal with--walk laps around the dining room table, while thinking about whatever I was thinking about. The dining room was on a "split level" main floor with the tv room on the lower part, and an opening to the stairs that would go down there or up to the bedrooms, and then an open doorway to the kitchen (no door, just an open way). Now, I saw something lean from the right side of the kitchen doorway, not just peripherally, but as I had been coming around the table, I looked directly at it. I would say we locked gazes but to this day I can't recall the facial features and I'm not sure I'm supposed to. You might have thought I was frightened but my impulse was to walk into the kitchen, but it's like as I got close it disappeared around the corner to nowhere at all. I had a bit of a strange feeling about blind corners/that I can't see around or doorways hallways liminal spaces since. But frankly I would understand if the entity just wanted to know why the heck I was walking around the table over and over again, because so would most neurotypical humans.


Mr. Black making my Saturday just that much better. Thanks, friend.


From that shadowy realm where other paranormal channels fear to tread, it's Beyond Creepy.


Jacques Valle would say it's not a coincidence. There is an extremely high number of alien encounters which involve aspects of poltergeist/haunting activity. I just watched the new Mr.Mythos video on ultra-terrestrials and it goes into this


I put a story on this channel once about a dream i had about a guy that i hadn't seen in over 25 years. He didnt actually disappear, his family knew where he was, but he left telling noone bye, and the next day was gone. Never coming home for any occasion, it was weird. So after I'd say at least 25 years later i have a dream about this guy. Just out of the blue. I hadn't looked him up in forever, nor thought about him, so i know it had nothing to do with why i dreamt about him. That same day i go to my sisters house, and she starts telling me about a strange dream she had, and the moment she opened her eyes out of bed, she raised up and said this persons name. The same person i had dreamt about. She doesnt know why she said his name aloud, he wasnt in her dream, but he was the first thing she heard her brain telling her that morning. A week later, ....he moves back into town, after being gone for all those years.


What a treat getting to enjoy a new video from Beyond Creepy on Saturday. Thanks Mr Black 👍


I've experienced the same sort of shock that Dave in the 2nd story felt when seeing something you think you shouldn't. Though, mine was entirely natural and not supernatural related. At least I don't think it was. I was outside and had gone into the far back of the yard to get something. It was a bright, sunny day out. I turned and stopped. I at first didn't even know WHY I stopped. Then, I realized I was seeing something...not quite right. A long thin something about 40 feet away from me. I stood there for at least a full minute trying to figure out WTH I was seeing.

It was a snake, standing on it's tail. About 3 or 4 feet tall! I had no idea snakes could stand up that tall like that. In fact, I didn't believe it at first. I thought it must be hanging off of something. So I walked forward to investigate. Once I got to within about 6 feet of it, the snaked thumped heavily to the ground. It snaked itself away from me quickly. I looked up and all around. It had not been hanging from anything. I found the snake and picked it up, just to convinced myself that, yes, this was in fact a real thing that happened. I let it go, of course.

Never seen that before, and haven't seen it since. The only snakes around me are rat snakes, so I was confident the snake couldn't hurt me. That moment where I stopped though. Strangest thing I've ever felt. My brain stopped me before telling me WHY I stopped.


Imagine your choking the chicken in the office and a grey alien peeps through the door. 😂


Spooky as hell
How anyone can experience this and still go on living life is beyond belief


Nothing makes my day more than when Beyond Creepy post a video.


Yesss I was just looking through your back catalog seeing if there was any episode I hadn't watched and boom! New vid!
Thanks again Mr. Black for the nr 1. channel on this topic!!


My absolute favorite notification 🔔 ❤

The only thing I don't like is that you don't do more!! I've listened to your entire channel over and over and over. I've even gone over to Lon Strickler's channel after hearing you mention his name, Cryptid Canada too! Thank you!!


The first one - She must be an artist? That’s one heck of a «sketch»!

Sleep/dreaming/waking up can be a scary state of mind.. not saying that any of these stories are linked to that, but for my part, one of the scariest things I have experienced, happened back in 2006, while I lived in Dublin. One morning, I believe I was in between sleep and waking up, when I thought I opened my eyes and saw this huge, black cloaked figure just racing at me full speed from the door of my room.

I awoke mildly hysterical, standing in my bed - my back pressed very hard towards the corner of the room I slept in.

It turned out that when I looked back at where the cloaked entity had charged at me from, my black coat was hanging there from the night before - almost looming towards me. I can still remember the relief when I gathered my senses and understood what I had partly seen while I was almost awake.

At least I think it was my mind playing a trick on me with that black coat.. I hope so! 🫣😅


I know Kennewick well. I lived right down the road, in Richland. I moved there shortly after the Kennewick crop circle appeared. I had a huge amount of paranormal activity in the "Tri-Cities".


Was waiting for a new Beyond Creepy video!! 😁😁


Interesting haunting phenomena associated with the gray sighting.


Yessir, Mister Black, you are my favorite YouTuber. Have been for a loooong time. Thanks for opening eyes, hearts, and minds. ✌🏼🐙🖖🏼


Your outro music is one of the best & most fitting ones in all of YouTube.


Listening at work. Thanks for making time go by quickly! 😊


A compilation of encounters were aliens communicated with humans would be amazing. There are many cases of aliens that gave important messages to humanity.
