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Track: Mad Moon Falling (DOTA 2 Music Pack)
Music provided by TheFatRat.


#bestbaruukbuildWF #baruukaugmentsWF #godmodebaruukWF


Thank you for watching! Hopefully, I'll see you on my next video. ;)


Warframe Fortuna

Fortuna is a Corpus colony located on Venus. Built within a massive underground cavern beneath Orb Vallis, it is home to the Solaris, a population of body augmented debt-slaves working for Nef Anyo.
Рекомендации по теме

Elude > Redirect - turns bullets to desolate hands
Lull > Tranquility - slows enemies and regens allies health and shield
Desolate Hands > Pacifist's Beads - transfers only to allies and doesn't attack enemies, prevents status effects at the cost of a bead, erodes restraint when hit by status, crits and headshots
Serene Storm > Gentle Palm- serene storm with shattering impact effect


Okay, so here are my ideas. I tried to supplement Baruuks kit as a whole with them. Also, some of the suggest armor reducing effects, in order to mitigate his problems with high level armored enemies.)

Elude - Balance in all things

For every X damage blocked, Baruuk regenerates a Desolate Hands Dagger. (Personally, I never use Elude. This would make me use elude as a means of sustain.)

Elude idea #2 - Eye of the storm
While Elude is active, Serene Storm sends shockwaves in all directions and reduce enemy armor by x% (Probably my weakest idea, i just thought it would look cool.)

Lull Augment - Sleepwalk
Enemies affected by lul have their movement speed reduced and instead of falling asleep, starting walking towards you. Additionally, they lose x% of their armor per second affected by this. Attacking them ends the effect. (This would make for some decent additional CC.)

Lull Augment idea #2 - Tranquility
Reduces Lulls Area by 50%. Lul becomes a toggle skill that stays active as long as you can sustain it and puts enemies to sleep. Enemies out of Baruuks line of sight wake up after two seconds. (Again, CC coming with the energy-management tradeoff.)

Desolate Hands - Waste not
Enemies killed by Serene Storm, while being affected by desolate Hands, regenerate one dagger. Two Daggers if you are in range to hit the enemy with your fist (This pushes a very agressive playstyle, so you can keep your daggers up more effectively.

Desolate Hands - Release the burden
Enemies affected by desolate hands have their armor permanently decreased by 50%. (Again, to mitigate his problems with heavy armored foes.)

 Serene Storm - Colors of the wind
Based on Baruuks Energy Color, Serene Storm deals X% additional elemental damage. Area traveled by Serene Storms shockwaves become hazardous for 2 seconds, dealing X damage per second with increased chance to proc statuses. (I just like the idea of "scorched earth". Dunno how useful it would actually be.)



* Inner Piece- When Baruuk cast elude, it aggros enemies within x range. While elude is active, projectiles passing through Baruuk will deal x percent damage to enemies it hits. Baruuk movement speed is lower by x percent while he is using Elude with this augment. Range of aggro is affected by range mods. While the Projectile damage percentage is affected by power strength mods.


* Radioactive Respite- When you equip this augment, instead of sleep, enemies that were caught by Lull will be slowed and then inflicted with radiation proc.

Desolate Hands

* Controlled Desolation- When you equip this augment, it allows you to manually control the daggers. Pressing the ability button will let you throw one dagger. While long pressing it with dispurse all dagger on hands. To give desolate hands' buff to allies, you must manually target him or her.

* Corrosive Daggers- Each daggers will have x percentage of reducing enemies armor. How much armor a dagger can reduce depends on how much power strength you have.

Serene Storm

PACIFISTA'S RAGE- When you activate your serene storm, Baruuk gains 300% bonus damage at max, and able to errode his restraint bar by 1% per enemy he kills with his desert wind. The bonus damage is affected by power strength mods. The drain of restraint will be faster though when you equip this augment. So kill fast if you want to airbend longer.



Using narrow minded will prevent daggers from seeking enemies allowing you to keep 90% dmg reduction, 2 arcane guardian gives 600 armor each, throw in adaptation and you’ll get another 90% dmg reduction, add hunter adrenaline + flow + quick thinking and also magus elevate on your operator and now you have a tank that allows you to freely control your energy and Health at your will


Oof finally an update on baruuk I thought everyone forgot he was there he's my main btw


Serene Storm Augment idea:

*Combined Winds- Allows the Wind Waves to contribute to and benefit from the combo meter. (Also causes Wind Waves to benefit from Blood Rush and/or Gladiator Set bonus)

This is all I want for Baruuk


Idea for lull augment.. On cast lull heals baruuk and all allies in the cast radius by 50hp per enemy effected. Or gives 50 armour per enemy effected


For Elude, I think I nice augment could be one that evades melee attacks (even if it's like 30-50%) so that it can actually function well with Desolate Hands. We'll call it Evade because I'm unoriginal

For Lull, I think something cool could be making it like Nyx's Chaos Sphere augment where there's an initial range for it that halfs over time but also increases duration and range of the ability as well as making it recastable. We'll call it Safe Space because I'm having a creative block

For Desolate Hands, I think it'd be nice to inflict radiation procs on enemies so that they're confused as well as unarmed so they end up attacking their allies instead. I'll call it Irradiated Hands because I'm already stealing so much from Loki's augment I might as well reference it, right?

For Serene Storm, I think something fun would be a stance change where instead of forceful knockback attacks, it focuses more on wide range close quarters combat. I want to keep in the cc effects of Baruuk's Serene Storm so maybe the combos could also focus on creating that slow falling effect that Rhino Stomp has as well as ways to group them up. I'll call it Flowers of the Fist because I can just imagine all the slow falling enemies arranged like flowers after they bloom while Baruuk walks away

I like this community a lot. It's very open and everyone's easy to talk to and helpful. Our squad leader's amazing, smart, and diligent that he's able to do so much and make these helpful videos sometimes so fast after something drops. I'm excited to see how this community grows like how the game grows ^_^


Elude - Snare: Baruuk snatches all the projectiles from the air, when restraint is maxed out baruuk fires off 10/20/30/40% of the damage in a 12.5/25/37.5/50%arc in front of him. Basically if baruuk maxes out his restraint while using snare he bursts the damage out like a shot gun in front of him. While the damage scaling is locked the arch would be determined by the range of his elude. want to crowd control? use max range. Want to assassinate a target? Use a smaller range so more "pellets" hit them.

Lull - Tumult: Releasing his rage and anger Baruuk calms himself but overwhelms his enemies, causing them to speed up and attack eachother. Basically the same idea as yours but you can control the duration by charging the move. When Tumult is held it gets a little bar like Hydroid that will drain a set amount of Restraint and make the effects of Tumult last longer. Enemies at the end of the duration will not remember anything

Desolate hands - Fruitful Release: When desolate hands disarms someone they have a 25/50/75/100% chance to drop energy, health or ammo - Ideal for the support baruuk this augment can stack with Nekros and other farm frame abilities as it triggers on disarm rather then death and only drops energy health or ammo.

Serene Storm - Adoptive Winds - Violence breeds violence, misery spreads misery. The winds of baruuk's storm will gain and spread the properties of one random affliction the first enemy hit suffers from. Think Zephyr tornadoes getting procs of whatever damage you put into it. Baruuk with this augment can spread any type of procs the first enemy hit with his winds has on them. But only one proc can spread at a time. My goal with this augment is to make it the opposite of Wukong's staff and his crit multiplier. Baruuk instead becomes a weird status monster with this able to make condition overload do some work.


Hope DE is still looking here!
Elude - while not attacking it also makes you immune to status effects and regenerates health
Lull - in the time it takes enemies to fall asleep their armor is also removed
Desolate Hands - (like wisp's green haste plant, and can similarly be transferred to allies) while active increase speed (for shooting, reloading, movement speed, etc...) by x amount
Serene Storm - (if you don't give lull armor removal could use it here at 20% per hit but if not...) restraint decays more rapidly and is eroded by increased amounts per kill, also Desert Wind's base status chance is now 30%


Dang i remember when you had 3000 sub now you are almost congrats man


The forth ability should have an augment that makes his desolate hands perform the same as his forth

Meaning the third ability would shoot out the desert wind to all enemies around it, causing knockdown but each dagger gets removed after three kills of it's own. Might be a little weird to balance but just a fun idea

Sorry for the english lol


Cleansing Storm: An Serene Storm augment that strips shields and Armor from enemies equal to the amount the combo multiplier while Serene Storm is active. Also this an aura buff so those Shields and Armor is given to you and your teammates.


Desolate hands
When your desolate hands goes to an enemy it controls them depending your duration and the damage that the controlled enemies do your meter goes down good for a strength dur build


Augment for 3. 20-40% chance to get a new blade everytime one is transferred to a friend or hits an enemy.

This one might need some fiddling but you get the general concept...a chance to maintain blades with less loss.


I love the "inner peace" augment idea. As you said....would be totally badass to just walk slowly amongst foes


'Reaping Palms'(?) augment for desolate hands could stop each dagger being consumed on disarming an enemy and instead return it to baruuk's influence for reuse with an appropriate interval, perhaps stealing a little something something for baruuk in the process; some energy/health etc or maybe even extra loot drop.


Serene storm augment idea: every kill erudes Baruuk's restrain metter and increase the status chance of the element with the higher damage on serene storm.


I think Baruuk needs something similar to Novas augment, that replenish the daggers when you kill enemies.


Augument for Serene Storm, Chilling Blizzard, each time Baruuk attacks with his fist, a cold aura grows around him in range, extending up to maximum depending on range mods. The aura applies a cold status effect on all enemies within as well as small amount of cold damage (effect may be limited by line of sight). Aura range shrinks when you turn off ability or completely cuts off if your restraint bar runs out and you're forced out of the ability. The idea being, to give you and your teammates more defensive capabilities as well as creating a pseudo slow motion while you airbend your enemies away.
