Sonic 2 The Secret Zones | All Secrets Zones Location

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O mesmo Sonic 2 original, porém com as zonas que estavam em desenvolvimento originalmente e foram deletadas pela equipe por falta de tempo hábil em 1992. Todas essas zonas são acessíveis através de outras zonas como Emerald Hill, Casino Night, Hill Top e etc.

The same original Sonic 2, but with the zones that were in development originally and were deleted by the team due to lack of time in 1992. All these zones are accessible through other zones like Emerald Hill, Casino Night, Hill Top and so on.

Credits: CamManS5.

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*If Sonic Origins had secret zones in each game (other than just Hidden Palace in Sonic 2), i might think about buying it*


I like the idea of using an extremely easy and stupid exploit that would straight up kill you in the original game, to make a secret area, that's pretty cool actually


I think the idea of secret zones could be use for it's own thing. Imagine a Sonic game where depending on what route you choose, you get multiple variants of a single adventure, secret bosses and endings.


I like this concept. It would work for Sonic Origins. Kind of has the Super Mario World idea with Peace Keepers mixed together.


Imagine if this video was released back in YouTube's beginnings


Sand shower, and wood zone were prototype levels in s2. Originally there was another zone called genocide city zone, but you can probably guess why they took it out.


Emerald Hill - Rock World
Casino Night - Casino Midnight
Hill Top - Wood
Mystic Cave - Hidden Palace
Oil Ocean - Sand Shower
Metropolis - Cyber City
Sky Chase - Snowy Winter


what happened to the scrapped zones:

Rock World Zone: never made it past concept art stage

Scrapped Casino Night Zone BGs: scrapped for the current BG we know today

Wood Zone: Scrapped mid-development, music recycled for 2P VS mode. Referenced in the Archie Comics.

Hidden Palace Zone: Scrapped mid-development, but re-added in the 2013 Remaster and Sonic Origins. Name and concept recycled in Sonic & Knuckles.

Sand Shower Zone: never made it past mockup stage, music is theorized to have possibly been recycled for Oil Ocean Zone. Planned to be added in the 2013 remaster of Sonic CD but was scrapped again for accuracy reasons. Remade in Sonic Mania as Mirage Saloon Zone.

Cyber City Zone: Scrapped mid-development, music recycled for 2P VS mode, replaced by Metropolis Zone Act 3.

Snowy Winter Zone: Name unofficial, never made it past concept art stage. Music recycled for Sky Chase Zone.


Would be funny if this was canon. Especially the Snowy Winter zone


these placements for these levels all make 100% SENSE!


Sad that Sega don't do something like that on the remastered version on SONIC ORIGINS! They put only HIDDEN PALACE and with the wrong music! Thanks for this video! 😊❤👍


Fun fact: when sonic 2 was still being developed they actually had a scrapped zone called “Dust hill zone” similar to “Sand shower zone” but if you play the old version of sonic 2 you’ll get level select and you’ll see a level called Dust hill (The scrapped zone) it will just take you to a multiplayer zone of mystic cave but there are pictures that show dust hill was supposed to be a desert level. Kind of like Mirage Saloon and similar to Sand Shower zone.


Actually, these "hidden zones" have pretty neat hiding spots


Here I will ask questions about the special areas of Sonic 2
0:02 so Emerald Hill is up and Rock Word is down? (by the way the music is from Hidden Palace from Sonic 2 for mobiles)
0:16 I saw a video that there are more areas of Casino Night but there is only that and where is the rest?
0:32 so below Hill Top is Wood Zone? (By the way, the music is by 2-players by Esmerald Hill)
0:45 Hidden Palace appears in the cell phone version and I liked it.
1:00 I don't know why Sand Shower should be before Oil Ocean, it's part of Sonic's 2 story.
1:13 Cyber City scares me for two reasons
1:Eggman's painting in the background
2:made me familiar with Genocide City's creppypasta (but the music is great it's from Casino Night 2-player)
1:31 This area is cute and looks like the ice area from Sonic 3
well this is my opinion on the special areas of this sonic 2 greetings from argentina ❤🇦🇷


Man, I play and love this game since maybe 23 years and I never knew those secret stages exist! 🤯 i have to check it out.


These stages would have gone so good with our Sonic 5 and some for Sonic cd


i feel like i’m being gaslit because i’ve been a sonic fan since i started gaming and yet i’ve never even heard of half of these in my entire life. what the heck.


Casino night secret zone looks just like playing it on sonic cd in the good future!


Mystic cave hidden palace is real in the remastered game


All of these kids not even understanding the title...
