REFORMED - 'Martyr' (Official Video)

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REFORMED - "Martyr" (Official Video)

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Mixed & Mastered by: Jake Smith
Album Art: Midjourney & For The Rock
Vocals & Lyrics: Victor Borba
Instrumental: Tony DiBlasi & Jake Smith

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I'm a 16yr Christian that enjoy metal and worships, but like honestly I have never seen one that portraits my feelings so well, bro this song is fire in all the senses lol.
God said to me that I was blessed but yet I denied him several times, and songs like this really rip off my heart because exactly express what I feel.

God is real.


Every time the chorus plays, I almost start crying man. Wonderful music you're making, God bless REFORMED.


Now THIS is Christian music. This is the kind of message I've been waiting for from artists for a long time. Thank you Victor for making this!

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

- Mark 8:34-38


I've never heard the truth spread so violently!! 😂

I'm still in awe of your extreme transformation! It has been one of the greatest things to happen for Christians who love heavy music.

Such a brutal track!


As a Christian myself for 3 years, I always wanted a song as epic in scale as "Bury the Light" but purely Christian.

Then I decided to lookup your channel, heard of your conversion testimony to the Lord via some of the comments, and found this gem. I was really motivated by "Because You died for me, I'll die for you." May the Lord bless you Victor, as an amazingly talented man of Christ. Keep staying strong in Him 👍


Man.... This goes so hard. The chorus makes me wanna go out and hug everybody I know. Vic, Jake and everybody else involved, this music means so much to others you don't even know, man, on loop for sure.


What a masterpiece.
God bless you all and Christian metal scene.


Hello Victor,
I've been watching your videos for about 2 years.
I'm totally amazed at how your singing technique improves from year to year. I'm from Germany and I'm a musician myself and I really like the style of music you make.
I was so happy when you found our Lord Jesus Christ - *hallelujah*.
When I just listened to your new song REFORMED - "Martyr" I got the impression to encourage you. *Keep on believing, brother!*
Even if you are attacked from left and right. Hold on to Jesus - even if you feel like you're alone one day or the other. HE is with you!
And even if exams come - and they will come - you can say
"So I keep having the same experience: I want to do the good, but I inevitably do the bad.
I assent to God's law with deep conviction and joy.
Yet I act according to another law that dwells within me. This law fights against what I know to be right in my heart and makes me its prisoner. It is the law of sin that governs my actions.
I unfortunate man! Who will ever set me free from this deadly bondage?
*Thank God! Through our Lord Jesus Christ I am already set free.* " (Romans 7:18-25)
I believe that you can also reach people for Jesus Christ through music. Keep it up! You should know that brothers and sisters here in Germany are also praying for you and your ministry.
Be blessed


I feel terribly bad for not watching and liking your videos at the very moment they are uploaded...Need to show appreciation for this legend.


this is the coolest guitar track in history on christian song


You are incapable of making anything less than fantastic, dude. You just never miss. Definitely gonna be listening to this one on repeat.


Wait wait WAIT you're joking, oh man I am full of joy! Bury the Light is one of my favourite songs of all time, and here I am discovering that the fella behind it has met Jesus and is now making awesome scripture-based metal 😍 PRAISE THE


I am speechless… 🥲 dude… please never stop making this amazing music. We need a full length album ❤️


"Show them the light of Christ just as You did for me" - Absolutely love it.


Using this song as an opportunity to share Christ! This is filling a gap in worship 🎶 💚


As a former atheist, I want to become a Christian because it is the tradition of my country (France) and I think it could answer a lot of my questions.

When I checked your channel, I wasn't expecting to see Christian metalcore songs because I had stayed on bury the light. You are even more Christian than Skillet themselves in their lyrics haha ​​(band that I respect a lot).

God bless you Victor.


Dude, continue!!! God bless this music and band, and use it for his Kingdom and Glory!!!


Yes, blessed is you, Victor.
Your voice blessed by Christ himself


This really came at the right time Victor. Thank you to you, Jake, and the rest for creating these songs! God is so great!


may the truth of our Lord be proclaimed!
