GIS Software Tutorial: Data Management and Analysis with Tabular Data (Part 4 of 5) #Maps #GIS

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This video is part one of a five video Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software Tutorial series. In the series, I will teach you about working with tabular data in the ArcGIS pro software environment. If you want to learn about how to work with real-world tabular datasets to support a spatial analysis, this GIS software tutorial is for you!
You will gain experience and knowledge of data management with tabular data in ArcGIS Pro. Specifically, using a case study about COVID cases in New York State, USA, you will: (a) form a spatial hypothesis about COVID cases, (b) acquiring official COVID tabular datasets to test your hypothesis, (c) curate tabular datasets into file geodatabase to prepare for a spatial analysis, and (d) use table joins, relates, and time-aware layer animation to conduct a basic spatial analysis using ArcGIS Pro.
All of these concepts are applied using a hands-on COVID tabular management case study that I demonstrate using ArcGIS Pro GIS software. Instructions for the GIS laboratory are available for free to download from this link:

The full five part video series:

Part 1 (this video):
Introduction to topics in the video series: background concepts – CSV, table join, table relate; tutorial introduction.

Part 2:
Tutorial steps 1 through 4; Hands-on demonstration of searching for US Census data and download.

Part 3: Tutorial steps 5 through 8; Data query, export and thematic mapping in ArcGIS Pro.

Part 4: Tutorial steps 9 through 11; Download COVID CSV data; Relate COVID CSV data.

Part 5:
Tutorial steps 9 through 11; Time aware layers and animation.
Follow these links to access items mentioned in the videos:

GIS laboratory exercise:

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Thanks for stopping by!
Brian Tomaszewski, Ph.D.
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