Determine the smallest positive and negative angle coterminal angle

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👉 Learn the basics of co-terminal angles. An angle is a figure formed by two rays that have a common endpoint. The two rays are called the sides of the angle while the common endpoint is called the vertex of the angle. We measure angles starting from the positive x-axis, i.e. the initial side of an angle measure is usually the positive x-axis. The angle measured in the anti-clockwise direction is called a positive angle while a negative angle is measured in the clockwise direction.

Two or more angles are said to be co-terminal when they have the same initial and terminal sides. Coterminal angles are found by adding/subtracting 360 degrees (for degree angle measure) or 2pi (for radian angle measure) to/from the given angle.

Organized Videos:
✅ Angles in Trigonometry
✅ Solve Problems with Arc Length
✅ Angles in Trigonometry | Learn about
✅ Sketch Angles in Standard Position
✅ Find the Quadrant of the Angle
✅ Find the Reference Angle
✅ Complement and Supplement of an Angle
✅ Convert Radians to Degrees
✅ Convert Degrees to Radians
✅ Convert Degrees to Degree Minute Seconds
✅ Convert Degree Minute Seconds to Degrees
✅ Coterminal Angles | Learn About
✅ Find Coterminal Angles | 0 and 2pi
✅ Find Coterminal Angles | 0 and 360

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I absolutely love your videos! Thank for helping me with my math hw. Honestly, my math teacher is a complete psycho. Keep being grooovy Mr. McLogan!
