TitleIX: Step Up & Step In! A Mobile Augmented Reality Game Featuring Interactive Embodied Conver...

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TitleIX: Step Up & Step In! A Mobile Augmented Reality Game Featuring Interactive Embodied Conver...
Elizabeth A Schlesener, Caitlin Marie Lancaster, Catherine Barwulor, Chandni Murmu, Kelsea Schulenberg

CHI 2023: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Session: Student Game Competition: Presentations

Despite the efforts of existing Title IX training programs in the US, current intervention and prevention programs fail to address the problems caused by sexual violence on US college campuses. To address this issue, we designed a mobile augmented reality (AR) game -- TitleIX: Step Up \& Step In! -- that encourages students to become more active and supportive of bystanders through innovative game play, while aiming to improve current sexual assault bystander intervention training. Utilizing AR technology and embodied conversational agents (ECAs), this game provides highly immersive scenario based training for sexual assault bystander intervention while connecting the users to realistic campus experiences. This inventive game design leverages innovative technology to increase awareness of real-world problems; specifically, sexual harassment targeting women and LGBTQ+ students on college campuses. The design implemented in this paper can inform the future construction of AR serious games for social justice.

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