What THEY DON'T tell You about Tom Hagen...

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The TRAGIC Life of Tom Hagen | The HIDDEN Secret Behind Tom Hagen…
The notorious don Vito Corleone was revered for his cunning intelligence and unique skills and even talents in navigating and later on building an empire worth billions. However, one of Vito’s most important skills, and probably his key to success, was his ability to surround himself with reliable people. As we see in the films, Vito always surrounds himself with people he can definitely rely on. As the Corleone family grew, and its power and influence was exponentially expanding, Vito had to start relying on the younger generation, so that they can continue to thrive, which is why he began to give more and more responsibility to his sons. And one of the most important of these individuals, who would be instrumental in maintaining the vast power of the Corleone family empire, was his young consiglieri, Tom Hagen. After the passing of Vito’s close childhood friend and former shrewd Consiglieri, Genco Abandando, in a move that was seen as controversial and even foolish, Vito named Tom Hagen as his new consiglieri. Even though the films didn’t focus primarily on him,Tom was still an integral part of the Corleone family and played a key role in its success.
So in this video We will finally analyse and uncover everything you want to know about the legendary consiglieri, Tom Hagen. Tom Hagen, is probably known as the most underrated character in the entire trilogy, and so if you watch this video you will definitely understand how and why he is such a critical character in the films.What’s even more we will finally answer the numerous questions we have about the character and his story….In one of the initial scripts of the Godfather 3, Michael Corleone and Tom Hagen would go up against each other. Which begs the question, if Tom was to go up against Michael, who would win?
Lets find out..
One of the most important individuals, who would be instrumental in maintaining the vast power of the Corleone family empire, was the legendary consiglieri, Tom Hagen. He was made consiglieri to the most powerful mafia boss in the entire country. which obviously was Don Vito Corleone. After the passing of Vito’s close childhood friend and former shrewd Consiglieri, Genco Abandando, in a move that was seen as controversial and even foolish, Vito named Tom Hagen as his new consiglieri. Even though the films didn’t focus primarily on him,Tom was still an integral part of the Corleone family and played a key role in its success. he helped the empire grow to be worth billions, and held the secrets of the Corleone family as he was the dons right hand man, and was entrusted with almost everything. After the attempt on Michael's life at the compound, Michael appointed Tom as acting Don. Which came out quite a surprise to Tom , as this was a sign of deep trust. And so, Tom finally understood why Michael was distancing him from certain aspects of the family business. Michael explained that he had to exclude Tom from these aspects, so that he can with full certainty trust him at that point. This is because of the fact that since Tom didn't know certain things, he wouldn’t be targeted or pressured to betray Michael especially since how high up tom was, he would be the person Michaels enemies would target to get to him. But with Tom not having any no motive or information to make moves against him. Michael knew he could count on at least one person.

Hagen was instrumental in both securing the friendship of powerful Senator Patrick Geary and defending Michael as his lawyer during the Senate hearings on the Mafia.

After Michael had taken care of all his enemies once again, there was still one last thread he needed taken care of by Tom. And so He was instructed by Michael to convince the almost traitor and former Capo regime Frank Pentangeli to, lets just say permanently stay silent once and for all, to protect Michael and the Family from his testimony forever. With Pentangeli and other enemies dead, the Corleone family as it regained its position as the most powerful crime family in the nation and now on its way into fulfilling Michaels long time vision.

The Rise of Tom Hagen | The Godfathers Consigliere

Enjoy 🌹


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#TheGodfather #Mafia #AlPacino
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After Woltz totally disrespected Tom, Tom thanked him for a nice dinner and told him that he admired his fiims.
Total boss move.


Tom is an example that blood does not make family…and family is not always blood.


Tom was the only one who didn't laugh when Michael announced that he would kill Barzini and McCloskey.
Tom had no doubt that Michael could pull it off.


Man I’m 20 years old and a lot of people my age say the Godfather is too slow and boring but in my opinion this gotta be one of the best and most thought out movies I ever seen, Every character every camera shot this movie is A Art.


I always felt that Tom Hagen was sorely underrated as a character. He was an integral part of the Corleone family, a very intelligent and cunning individual who was just as ruthless as some of the tougher guys we see throughout the series. I would go so far as to say that his only true weakness was that because he was adopted, he yearned for his family's acceptance. This was something that Michael was easily able to exploit, as we get the sense that he didn't really even trust Tom despite what he says to him in Part II. He says himself, "I always wanted to be thought of as a brother by you Mikey, a real brother." In short, Tom was easily one of the smartest and most capable among them but had something of an inferiority complex that the others would use against him when necessary. I never felt like he got the respect he deserved


According to novel, "The Godfather", by Mario Puzo, Tom Hagen didn't work for the Don immediately after graduating law school; the Don encouraged Tom to practice law in a proper firm, which he did for three years or so, I think. The Don wanted Tom to get some practical legal experience first.


He was truly a real brother, better than some blood relations


Inner circle. Tom Hagen is definitely one of the coolest characters, especially for keeping his cool in any situation.


Just read the book for the first time after being raised on the first two films I am convinced that Tom is the star of the story. He is the key to every hit and situation and the hugely underrated Robert Duvall played the part to perfection. My favourite character.


In the novel Sonny brought Tom home one day and demanded that he stay. The meal that Mama Coreleone made for Tom that evening was the best meal he had ever eaten.
In Godfather 2, it was implied that Tom and Mama were very close.


Great video! Tom is one of the most under-appreciated characters in The Godfather


The main reason why Godfather III is more like a TV movie and doesn't compare to the iconic Godfather I & II, is that Tom Hagen wasn't in it.


Tom is a life lesson. Tom doesn't look down on his brothers. You can say anything to Tom and he will help you fix it. Tom isn't blood but he's more of a brother than Fredo. Tom is his own version of Vito and his loyalty is to the family.


I noticed when Mike C. Demoted Tom. Tom held his tongue till they were alone . Then he asked Mike why I'm
I out ? Discreet and wise not to challenge Mike's authority in front of others. A Don type move


Tom was the glue, the backbone of the corleone family. He loyally served his family, he was intelligent, charismatic, thought provoking, level headed and calculating. This man understood the business, the law, he didnt have to raise his voice, he didnt have to get violent, but he could bring a man to his knees and ruin him. Even when he was asked to step aside, or even do things he wasnt sure he shouldve, he never complained, he carried out his orders because thats what was best for business. Tom was brilliant


inner circle Tom was my favorite person in Godfather and Godfather part 2. In th he was the most loyal and was the only man that could disagree with Michael, Sonny and Vito and not get hurt but did it with respect.


Duval wanted the role in GF3, Paramount would not meet Duvall’s salary request. Their offer was a well below what he desired. Not including Duval in GF 3 diminished the trilogy a great deal, Paramount blew it in my opinion.


I think Hagen ended up very unhappy. He didn't love or respect Michael the way he did sonny or the don. He had to maintain a precarious tightrope walk with Michael who had already proven he'd kill anyone not loyal(including his brother). He was loyal but I think his respect for Michael was tinged with fear


On part 3 you can feel his absence
It's not the same without him even if he was most of the time in the shadow of Michael
I really love that caracter I recognise myself in him


Professionalism, loyalty, and dedication are words that describe Tom Hagen. But his actions, his actions show his true caliber. Another excellent master class presentation. Auguri paisan
