Yemin 18. Bölüm | The Promise Season 1 Episode 18

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The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?

Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

#yemin #thepromiseseries #reymir
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I can't understand anything but I keep watching it 😂😂😂


I love the guy friend of emir he always give him advice instead of ruining there marriage❤


I love how these shows show that village life isn’t bad… has a lot of family and fun and a good life. I also love how he has always been the gentleman and given her the bed and taken the couch even though it is his house.


Bravo Emir, la faza asta ai fost de nota 1000, cînd ești de lăudat te laud, ai luat-opentru prima dată de mînă, i-ai spus lui Cemre, că cea mai mare dezamăgire, devine cea mai mare iubire, înseamnă că te-ai îndrăgostit de ea dar nu recunoști, Emir e greu e foarte greu și cu iubirea s-o cîștigi după ce ai distrus-o, trebuie să ai răbdare numai așa o recîștigi!


That slap was epic, I feel that, he deserve it. Respect your wife Emir


16:35 minute: Emir got slapped because he said to Reyhan that for someone who blindly came here in order to marry me don't you think you have too much pride...???!!! That obviously pissed her off so he got a tight slap...!!!👏👊😂
Emir doesn't know her true intentions or why she married him so he is still suspicious of her being a gold digger & what not plus you can tell she's starting to affect him (look how much it's bothering him that she hasn't forgiven him for that Vural BS & won't even talk to him) & him being so arrogant he keeps lashing out to avoid his feelings...lets see tho how long it is before he eventually cracks...!!!🤗😉❤️

PS. this comment is collected


Slapping over his face is one of the cleared scene😂😂 how I wish Ms. Heirs would translate everything. I'm begging you Heirs please comeback 🙏😊


Wow, Reyhan, the humbled and the passion stole the heart of Emri. So meaningful story.


😂😂😂😂 so hilarious!!!! at daytime (and fully awake!), leyla babysits masal. but when she's (leyla) asleep, kemal babysits the sleepwalking leyla!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Getting addicted to this movie even though there wasn't a translation, am still here watching


OMG . So many persons keep asking for English Subtitles, but no one is hearing. I guess we are fooling ourselves in believing someone would hear our plead 🥺


This is what I wanted all along standing up for Reyhan ❤️❤️❤️


Bravo Emir, pentru prima oară ai luat-o pe Reyhan de mînă, cu gestul ăsta și ieșirea aia superbă cu ea de mînă, ți-ai mai redus din greșeli, m-a incintat acea ieșire cu ea de mînă, superb, superb! Bravo!


that slap was shocking I also felt it even though I don't understand why 😂😂


I wish I was a wall in Hikmets house, so that I would listen to every single conversation meant to ruin Reyhan and tell him😂😂💯...let's take a moment to appreciate how cute Incir's(The cute lil bird)cage is ♥️


reyhan cok güzel cok hepisindende güzel eski turk filmlerdeki türkan soray gibi sanki .cok saf ve ince reyhan.gönlun guzel reyhan.kaderide guzel olur insallah


Scene when Reyan is about to get out of the car up until she slaps Emir.

Emir says - Wait, let's talk about this now, I'm talking about this silence. I'm so tired of this silence.
Reyhan replys - Let's talk later.
Emir says- Let's talk right now.
Reyhan - We dont need to talk right now, can you let go of my arm.
Emir- You didn't answer, don't we need to talk?
Reyhan - We don't need to talk.
Emir- Isn't silence your greatest weapon?
Reyhan - Are you criticising me? I don't want to discuss this because all you do is criticise. Is it right when you behave like that?
You accused me of so many things, I still haven't forgotten all the terrible things you said and did. That's why I don't want to listen to you right now.
Emir- Really, you don't want to talk but you came running from the VILLAGE to arry me. A younbg woman came running from the VILLAGE to arry me.
Reyhan turns round and slaps him on the face.


That slap was iconic i slept like a baby after the slap😂


Bravo Emir, superbă placarea ta de mână cu Reyhan, asta a fost intenția lui Cemre, când va invitat la ziua ei, s-o umilească în fața invitaților ei, dar ai salvat tu Emir problema!
Bravo Emir!


emir and reyhan walk out the birthday celebration to cemre house😂😂good job couple☺️
