HOW TO PLAY STEAM VR GAMES ON META QUEST 2 or 3! | Link Cable Setup Guide 2023

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Want to play Oculus or Steam PC VR games on your Meta Quest 2or Quest 3? This complete guide shows you everything you need, and the easy to follow steps on getting it all set up, so you'll be playing your first PCVR game in no time at all!


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Whether you want to just hook your Oculus Quest up to be able to play Oculus Rift games from your PC, or you want to go further and set up Stream VR so that you can play games from Steam on your headset, this guide covers both. I also cover the PC and hardware specs needed to ensure you get the best VR experience you can.

It's super simple, and you'll be kicking yourself that you didn't do it sooner. SO JUST PRESS PLAY TO FIND OUT HOW! 😊

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0:00 Intro
0:32 What you need
0:44 Your PC Specs
1:50 USB Cable Specs
3:42 Let's install the software
6:07 Where to get games from?
6:45 Let's play your first game + Handy Tips
9:03 Final Thoughts

*I get a small commission if you purchase via these links. It costs you nothing extra but it is a great way for you to show your support for this channel. Thanks! 😊

#meta #oculus #quest2 #steamvr #pcvr #vr
Рекомендации по теме

Hi all! Here’s answers to some common questions that might help you....

Q: Does it work the same on Quest 3?
A: Yes

Q: I can't find the Steam VR Performance Test App. Where is it?
A: It's gone! It's been removed from the store. You now just need to compare your PC specs against the supported hardware list (link in the description for that). And at the end of the day, if in doubt, just give it a go!

Q: When I connect my headset, and after accepting the popups, my screen just goes blank and/or I only see my cursor or 3 dots. How do I fix this?
A: There's several possibilities for this. The most common solutions are 1) make sure your GPU and CPU drivers are up to date. 2) Check that your graphics card is supported (see link in the description for list of supported cards). 3) Check that your graphics card is selected as the default graphics card on your PC isn't rather than using your integrated graphics. You can do this in the nvidia control panel for example. 4) Turn off any in-game overlays you might have enabled (such as the nvidia experience one).

Q: Why is 'Enable Oculus Link' pop up not appearing in my headset?
A: A few solutions here. Try logging out of, and back into, the PC oculus app. Also ensure that the headset and the oculus app are on the latest up-to-date versions, and in the settings of the PC app make sure that 'air link' is disabled (you can't have both running at the same time).

Q: I accidently clicked on 'allow' in the allow access to data popup and/or selected 'never ask again'. How do I change this?
A: In your headset go to Settings>Developer and uncheck and recheck the "USB Connection Dialogue" button. the pop up with now show up again the next time you connect so you can select the correct option.

Q: Why is my my headset not showing as connected in the oculus PC app?
Try a different USB cable or USB port. USB 3.0 or above is recommended for both. Also try restarting your PC and headset.

Q: I can connect the headset to the PC, but when I play games the video is choppy.
A: Try some of these to help resolve the issue. 1) Make sure your GPU and CPU drivers are up-to-date, 2) Check your USB cable (use the USB test shown in the video), 3) Check your PC spec (link in the description). 4) Disable any in-game overlays like the nVidia Geforce Experience one. 5) Make sure your video card is set as the default graphics card for the PC

If you're still having issues then have a look at the official meta troubleshooting page here:

Hope that all helps, and Happy Questing! 😊


Dang, this video is SO good.easy to understand, great walk through and even addresses the most common issues? All under 10 minutes? Hats off to you sir!


This video came just in time! I just got my wife and I each a headset and I knew this was possible, but not entirely sure how to actually set it up. This video covered every question I had and then some, so thanks so much, this is a huge help!


7:06 I cant believe the solution to a good hour of being frustrated was as easy as just denying file access to get the option to enable quest link, thank you so much!


For those confused, you have to go into the quick settings section and select "Quest Link" and choose the computer you're paired to. That's how he got to that "Desktop" button at 7:52


Bro is way too clutch, gained a like and sub 😎


I just bought a meta quest 2 previously having a htc vive and wow was this video incredibly helpful to get me playing my favorite steam vr games again really quickly and simply. Brilliantly done and thank you so much.


Thank you so much! This one video alone was 1000x more useful than the official set up explanation video that Meta has. Can't wait to finally play VR Skyrim. Thank you again!


Quick to the point, informative, and extremely helpful! Thanks a million!!


Excellent Tutorial step by step and no waffling, ...many thanks for the help !


very good tutorial. Just for anyone who doesn't get the second pop up, go to the tab where you can find your wifi and there is a option for the link cable and turn of airlink for it to work


Dude, this is so helpful, I can now play all my steam vr games! You deserve more subs with all the work and editing you put into this video! Keep up the good work!


When you search for the information and find a video that actually tells you the information you searched for. Really appreciate the direct format of your video!


Right, I have an oculus quest 2 not a meta. I just got a cable for my PC. Everything is good enough for games on VR but, whenever I go on any game, my quality is horrible. I always see this weird, transparent and wavy line at the bottom of the VR screen. I have no idea how to fix this.


Everyone watching this video probably already uses Steam, but still handy that you put a tutorial on installing Steam in this video.


I've had to set this up for my nephew and your guide was perfect. Thanks, Dave.


Dude literally thank you for this tutorial. I'm a vrchat player, on standalone quest, and I was looking to get my first fullbody tracking set up, but I found out I had to set up SteamVR and stuff if I wanted vive trackers and base station but it was SO CONFUSING. This tutorial is short and easy, explains what I need to buy and why, and explains troubleshooting I might run into in the future. Just bought my cable link w/ your recommendations. I'm so excited for everything to come in so I can set up. Thank you so much


Thank you! After looking through several instruction videos, yours was by far the best!


1 GIANT VR HIGH FIVE, your hard work is appreciated!


Thank you! Nice and straight forward. Just ordered my new PC. Super excited to finally play Alyx!
