A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999 Episode 13 Audiobook Novel Chinese

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A Hundredfold Training System Instantly Upgrades 999 audiobook novel - Coming for Koi

Step forth, undergo 10,100 repetitions, advance basic stance to yellow stance!
Throw a punch, repeat 10,100 times, elevate basic boxing to yellow boxing technique!
Ingest a potent pellet, endure 100,100 iterations, advance from body quenching level three to level six!
Gaze upon the sword intent engraved on stone, endure 100,100 iterations, grasp the first-level sword intent successfully!
Jiang Chen traversed to another realm, stumbling upon the 100-fold cultivation system by chance, steadily growing in power!
Simply wander and throw a fist to elevate basic martial skills to celestial mastery!
Consume a pill, and cultivation soars faster than a rocket's ascent!
Struggling with sword intent comprehension? Finding alchemy daunting? With the hundred-fold cultivation system, minutes are all it takes!
Jiang Chen wields the hundred-fold cultivation system; henceforth, insubordination shall be vanquished!
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