Grade 9 in 3 minutes: The supernatural in Macbeth

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3 minute plan of what to include in a top grade response to a question on the presentation of the supernatural in the play.
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How does this only have 60 views. Should have so much. This video is so helpful and quick, all other videos on Macbeth are 10mins+


Scene 2 Act 1 (Ross): “Brave macbeth - well he deserves his name”
From the start of the play Macbeth is immediately seen in a high regard with the people he is surrounded with.
“He deserves that name” He has put in the work and fighting for the king as a worthy and valiant soldier.

Alternative Representation: The royals were a terrible judge of character because the old thane of cawdor betrays him and then Macbeth betrays him as well. The idea of patriarchy is shown when they call him “brave” to show that they don’t judge on one's values and character but rather on his bravery and loyalty. That was there “measuring stick”

“Brave” could also foreshadow his ruthless murders as we associate the word brave a person who is daring to do something hence why he kills the king.

Scene 3 Act 1 (Banquo): “The instrument of darkness tell us truths, To betray’s in deepest consequence” An instrument is to be plated and this is portraying that both macbeth and banquo is to be played wrongly by the witches which is foreshadowing something terrible and evil is going to happen. This is a juxtaposition because Banquo admits that the witches will tell the truth, because something so nasty and something truthful. They do this in order to lie to Macbeth and cause his downfall to lure him in which foreshadows that they drop him for trusting the witches.

Scene 4 Act 1 (Macbeth): “Let not light see my dark and deep desires” His desires are “dark and deep” implying that his desires are deep within him, almost being part of him. This also amplifies the power of the supernatural as evidenced by transforming Macbeth’s personality within only one scene. Macbeth’s main catalyst at the start is when he approaches the witches.

Alternative Representation: These devious thoughts are stuck within him. Macbeth was already thinking of killing King Duncan even before being manipulated by Lady Macbeth.

Scene 5 Act 1 (Lady Macbeth, supernatural, women): “unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty” When she says “unsex me here” she wants to reduce her femininity, to take away her qualities that make her feminine. Back in that time, being a woman would be soft, elegant, caring, she wanted to take this away and become evil feeling no emotion.

“Fill me” She wants to be fully immersed with the worst possible evil. Women were suffering so much from patriarchy that they had to become as masculine as possible.

Scene 5 Act 1: “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t” Lady Macbeth is being duplicitous and multifaceted here. She is telling him to look guilt free but be devious and corrupt.

Scene 7 Act 1: “When thou durst to do it, then you were a man” Patriarchy oppresses man, and this is an example. For a patriarchal man, he had to be brave, courageous, importantly in the eyes of his wife. Lady Macbeth knew that, consequently, Lady Macbeth takes advantage of this and emasculates Macbeth whilst doing so. And this is what kicks Macbeth over the edge leading to his corruption and ultimate downfall. So, Macbeth kills Duncan to prove his masculinity to his wife rather than his desire to be the king.

Scene 2 Act 2: “Will all great neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand”“blood” is a representation of macbeth’s never ending guilt, it seems to follow him wherever he goes. Once Macbeth has killed someone, he feels extreme guilt, but as he repeats his sins, his guilt starts to decay. From act 2 scene 2, to act 5 scene 2, macbeth gradually becomes almost emotionless by killing king duncan, banquo, macduff's family, son.
Scene 2 Act 3: “Full of scorpions is my mind” The “scorpions” are eating away at his mind and this can foreshadow the fact for the inevitable downfall of macbeth and losing his mind as result of the scorpions eating away at him.

Scene 2 Act 5: “out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow” You can never catch your shadow, you are always chasing it, in this case for Macbeth, getting the crown and power. For example, when he kills banquo in order to keep his lineage of becoming king intact. “Candle” is the metaphor for his life, he releases that he is immortal. Just like how a candle will eventually finish eventually. For the first time in the play, he is questioning himself if what he did was all worth it as he realises that he is chasing a shadow that he cannot catch. For the first time he shows a sign of regret and contemplation.


Thank you so much I used this to help me write an essay on the supernatural! I am usually a grade 5 student but when my teacher marked essay that I wrote I got a grade 9! Thank you again!


This is genuinely the most helpful video I've seen on Macbeth's supernatural themes thus far! Its quick, no nonsense and easy to understand, with some amazing grade 9 interpretations. Thank you!


God bless you kind sir. I’ve been looking for short, quality revision videos and I must say this is the best one by a country mile! Well done.


Hey chap! This video felt like all the knowledge just flashed before my eyes and, magically, entered my brain with ease! Truly terrific explanation, quick and straight forward, so grateful for resources like this with GCSES coming up :)


This channel is soo underrated! This was very helpful for my mocks thank you so so much!!


cramming some last minute revision for my paper 1 and if tomorrow's question is in fact about the supernatural like i think it is then this is a huge help, thank you! :)


thanks mate - will help with my English mock tomorrow :)


2 years later i am still watching this video to help me revise and it has 20k views well done and congratulations


You’re actually so helpful thank youu soo much


This is an amazing video, thank you very much this helped alot in my exams!


cheers mate had never thought of the banqou's ghost idea before


this is so good my exam is like in 4 hrs


Got my lit paper 2 tmr this is very helpful ty 😁


Watching this 45 mins before my Macbeth exam


This really helps a lot thank you so much


Aahhhh tysmmm will need this in a week!


got my paper 2 english lit tomo if this question comes up ill be so happy ong


Thank this should help me for my exam today
