Russian Alphabet for Beginners

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Learn Russian Alphabet in just 9 min. Welcome to the course of the Russian language for beginners. Russian language lesson: Russian alphabet.
For each letter of the Russian alphabet there are three examples. The alphabet is read by a male and a female voice. Please listen and watch the video several times. This will increase memorization and speed up the process of learning the Russian language. A lesson for beginners.
We will teach you to speak Russian without mistakes. Just watch the video and repeat Russian letters and words. For faster language learning, it is recommended to watch the instructional video several times. This will help you learn the language even faster.
Channel "Russian Language School": Learn Russian and speak Russian. Enjoy watching!
Study materials for the lesson:
Download the file with the Russian alphabet:
Download this copy-book for practice how to write the Russian lettres:
#russianlanguageschool #russianlanguage #learnrussian
For each letter of the Russian alphabet there are three examples. The alphabet is read by a male and a female voice. Please listen and watch the video several times. This will increase memorization and speed up the process of learning the Russian language. A lesson for beginners.
We will teach you to speak Russian without mistakes. Just watch the video and repeat Russian letters and words. For faster language learning, it is recommended to watch the instructional video several times. This will help you learn the language even faster.
Channel "Russian Language School": Learn Russian and speak Russian. Enjoy watching!
Study materials for the lesson:
Download the file with the Russian alphabet:
Download this copy-book for practice how to write the Russian lettres:
#russianlanguageschool #russianlanguage #learnrussian
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