How to outsmart camera thieves and keep your gear safe

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Don't let camera thieves ruin your photography adventures! In this video, I'll show you how to outsmart them and keep your gear safe. One simple tip is to tape your camera to protect it from thieves, making it less attractive and easy to steal. Watch and learn how to keep your gear safe while on the go!

A pro photography tip for street photographers and travel photographers on how to help prevent getting your Leica or other camera from being stolen.


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Advice I once got from an old lady on the street, while strolling an area with a lot of crime, is to put the camera in a cheap shopping bag and to only take it out briefly to get the shot.


I think your giving criminals too much credit. They most likely don't know anything about the cost of your bag or the cost of your camera. They just see 'camera' = money and take what ever they can get. It doesn't matter if its some cheep one or expensive one. The best thing you can do is be aware and don't get comfortable and keep an eye on everything.


If you Put Nikon Stickers it will work better 👍🏻


Im thinking, I'll pick up some Hello kitty stickers and plaster them all over my camera !!! No Manly Man thief would think of stealing my camera!


People still are stealing your camera without knowing what it is. Unless it’s just an opportunity theft by a photographer. People violently stealing your camera will do it, they don’t even know the brand.


If I’m a criminal thief I’m looking for the taped up cameras.


The bag is a great indicator of what's inside. I'm against photography bags, because everyone knows there's a camera in there.
It's the same with laptop bags, I've had a lot of valuables in an ordinary school bag without anyone suspecting what's inside. Just find a way to keep everything tidy, even if it's with other bags inside.


There aren’t too many Leica owners doing this! In my experience every red dot owner is very keen on letting literally everyone around them know they have one 😅


i've been taping my cameras for years. Use a crappy old backpack that looks like it's been dragged by a car, inside a padded cube for the gear. The padded cube looks like a lunchbox. Also, don't dress nice, look like a local and go with a spotter who will watch your back.


I live in SF, and it's true what he said about SF. I used to take lots of photos in SF but not as much anymore. One thing that helps me feel safe is to pack light. A compact camera with a pancake lens is perfect. Be safe and have fun!


I don’t think a thief is saying (from a far), “is that the Leica M8.5, or is that an M11. Hmmm, with the 28mm or is that a 35mm”.
Nah…. they just see a camera - could be an XPro3 or an M11, or a D5100.


I did the same back in the days when I was a concert photographer, for two reasons.
1.... Since I worked on stage, I sometimes had to offload my camera to pay attention to cables/lights and other stuff. Having a blacked-out camera was better camouflaged and hidden from plain sight, thus preventing opportunity theft (both from local public, but equally from visiting roadies + technicians).
2.... I did not draw attention from the band when I was in the "pit".. black clothes and blacked-out everything I was carring.


NEVER use electrical tape. Gaffer leaves no residue. Also, if you can afford LEICA, you can afford insurance. I've seen too many stories featuring so-called professionals losing all their gear in a robbery and not having insurance.


Dress down, no watch no jewelry, have a dummy wallet full of expired cards that you can throw on the floor if threatened. Wear good running shoes. Be fit. I roll my strap around my wrist, Leicas are tough and can be used as weapon to hit someone in the face. 😂 a good idea also is a very short neck strap so your two hands are always free….


great video Justin, more stuff like this please... I enjoy the stories from assignments but those are like tales to me... this is the useful stuff. Thanks


Worst brand to shoot street photography is Leica, juat get an Olympus or Pentax and nobody will touch you. With Ricoh you'll become invisible.


"The nail that stands out, requires hammering." This is something that my Brazilian friend told me before traveling there and I will never forget it, it is very true.


Great post Justin. I was in Caracas a number of years back and was drugged in the back of a taxi with fake cigarette smoke. Let my guard down at the airport and took a standard airport taxi to the hotel. Fortunately, I had the sense to make a fuss and get out of the cab at a gas station. Nothing was stolen; my camera gear and computer were intact. Yes, becoming familiar with a place can make you a little complacent. There is a balance though, and in my experience, you have to dress down, act the part, blend in and carry your kit in an older bag. The nice shiny ones that compliment our Leicas (Ha!) are a dead giveaway that 'this dud is worth robbing' ....


I've done this for years on every camera I've owned. Really good advice.


I can never decide if it helps to tape my definitely doesn't help when I've got a big white 70-200 on the front. Being aware of your surroundings is the most important thing...and having insurance
