3 Scientific Reasons Why “Size” Doesn't Matter to Women (The Truth From Women)

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In this video Marni reveals 3 scientific reason why SIZE doesn't matter to women. It is a false belief that so many guys have that the bigger you are, the better you are in bed BUT that is 100% not true. This video shows you the truth about size and how to use what you got so you can be an amazing in the bedroom with women ;)

Top dating advice for men coming directly from a woman! Marni is now your personal Wing Girl and she's going to tell you how to attract women, date women, seduce women and get any woman you want. She's helped 100's of thousands of men around the world be more confident with women so they can make women want them. Now she'll do the same for you!
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Not to make light of the situation but my grandfather used to say “size doesn’t matter but it takes a long time to get to England in a row boat, so find a woman with a pond not an ocean.” Then my grandma would say “either way you cant beat a motorboat!” 😂 I enjoy your insights keep it up!


So WHY are there Still a Lot of Woman that insist that size Does matter??
seen numerous posts that say it doesn't matter, but I see just as many that specify: BBC or BWC ONLY!!
Is it just BBW's saying this?
I see/hear so many opposing opinions on this subject.


Woman says: Size doesn't matter .
Woman owns: Vibrating monster called angry anaconda.


If size doesn’t matter you shouldn’t use the term “ very well endowed “ it implies being bigger is better.🎉


I think if men's penis' are going to be judged for size than women should be judged for tightness...


As a guy who has had a lot of relationships and dates over the years. And have had this conversation with many women, It’s really not that it doesn’t matter. It’s usually not a deal breaker, but I’ve known girls in my college years that quit seeing a guy over it. So it does matter between the sheets a little. A average to big size is better, no doubt. It’s true you can make up for a lack of size in other ways, but ladies much prefer something substantial. It’s simply a different experience. That’s what I’ve been told, anyway, over and over.


Here is the problem with this Marni, you are missing the part where women in general make it an important topic whether it is or isn't. There is a reason things have gotten to this point, and it isn't all driven by porn. Whether women say it to their girlfriends because they think that is what they want to hear, or for whatever reason it is a topic when women get together, it is made important. So it is given much more importance than it should be given, but this discussion should also be directed at women as well to stop the myth that all women want their man to have a large one.


Size MATTERS and the only women who say that it doesn't are those who fear to be judged.


Stop the cap. Then why do women shame men for their size. This is why you don’t take dating advice from women.


Thank you for being a sincere and honest woman, with a caring heart towards men. You are a diamond in a sea of broken glass. It's a tragedy that women like you are becoming harder and harder to find.


I think it’s down to personal choice! I’ve met woman who say it does matter and woman who say it doesn’t. I completely understand peoples hang ups we need to learn to live with them. You certainly help with your channel done.


I had an older friend who always had attractive younger women. One day I asked what his secret was. He said, "Don't fool yourself son, size matters." I pondered his wise words. Suddenly he reached into his pants and THUMP there it was in his hands. He swung it around in the air a few times. I was shocked. Never seen anything like it. He could barely get both his hands around it. I swear that wallet must have had at least two grand stuffed in it. He nodded at me. I nodded back.


Before the internet took my innocence I thought the size women cared about referred to the wallet.


Half the time even asking them out, regardless of what you're packing, might somehow offend them....


Performance is one thing. But 99% of sex is mental. Let THAT sink in. I had a class in art school where the instructor was obviously ridiculously well-endowed. You couldn’t miss it. AND I WANTED to miss it. The girls all talked about it with a gleam in their eyes after class. And despite his average looks, he was dating a model. Science isn’t the only way to gauge things.


What women say they want and really want are 2 different things.I learnt the hard just do the opposite of what they say.I gave up years ago not dated since 2009.At 40 the women my age are desperate and burned by the sort of men they say there no interested in.Carful guys you’ll end up a dustbin man for these women.Bad men are always in there minds ahead of you.


Knowing many many women over the course of my Size matters. Don't have to be John Holmes or porn star size but over average helps. Also thickness is often underlooked but also is important. Not too thick though.


THANK YOU! I feel better now! I have it too large and I did not want to hurt her. I am happy that they do not care about the size.


Whew I thought you were going say something about my ability to lick my eye-brows, I am really glad we had this little talk. One thing I have noticed is that sometimes I bottom out and I hear her complain a bit so usually I have to go just a bit slower until I know what she wants and believe me she will tell you when you bottom out it happens all the time but you can also be more selective with who you are willing to become sexually active with. If you are not willing to put your mouth down there first then you don’t want to put anything else down there. Rules to live by….


okay Marni, you have scientifically made the case. Personally I can tell you that I have never had any girlfriend comment that smaller was better. Zero, notta, never, ever. Logic and science aside, the preference is exists. This is not imaginary. Not saying that woman wont find all the other things true and good. But bigger packaging (15-25%) is a plus in the long run,
