Framework Free - Functional HTML Rendering and State Management in Vanilla JS - Drew Warren

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From UtahJS Conf 2019 in Sandy, Utah

React, Vue, JQuery, Angular(2)... There are a lot of libraries and frameworks available to web developers today that provide a myriad of benefits and solutions, but they all have a learning curve.

This talk will teach you how to accomplish all of this without having to import any packages, learn any libraries, or set up any framework environments using JavaScript functions that are natively available and supported in all major browsers.

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Watching this demo made me incredibly grateful we have modern front end frameworks.


You spoke beautifully :).
A couple of developers I met say "I'am coding in the X framework" meanwhile they have basic misunderstandings about the programming language in which the framework was written.
I think the first step is NOT to learn a framework, the first step is to learn and understand the language itself.
Competence begins here i think and then there are no pointless debates about which framework is better.


The hardest thing about framework free is finding the right search term to find the topic by. I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS!


15:13 It's easy.
As a rule of thumb, innerHtml is slow because the browser needs to reparse the html (even though it is being set to '' ). element.removeChild, however, directly modifies the DOM without any parsing needed. Therefore removeChild is faster.


At 14:12: there is a bug: in sayBonjour(), you cannot set the outerHTML on newHello because it has no parent node. It needs to be appended to the container first, then you can set outerHTML.


lol I never feel this much difference between higher order functions before. The example is awesome


Thanks for making this video. I'm using Web Components with just vanilla JS to build a dashboard UI.

I like the idea of having a render function where you pass in your state.

I've come across the problem of needing a store for my state, like Redux. I have some ideas how I might make it but I'm also trying to see what other devs are doing.


I like this presentation because it presents an alternative to using a framework, which is pretty much a given wherever you look these days. I too am an advocate for framework free web development.

I would've loved to see some findings about this approach when it comes to SEO. Are search engines better these days at reading JavaScript than it was 5-10 years ago?


Nit: in the "blank canvas" code, a self-closing tag like "<body />" is valid only in XML, not HTML. It should be "<body></body>".


SVELTE - not as bad as you'd think


Great talk, frameworks should be minimal and let you implement functionalities that one actually need, svelte my be the way to go.


Hey Warren. Awesome presentation. Where could I find the source code ?


7:50 where tf is the booming laughter to this... someone cue the laugh track!


Nice. I'm getting a bit tired of "framework-hell"


Why he is not using DocumentFragments to inject whole branches? And i thought that querySelector is one of the most inefficient way to select nodes.


amazing, in my opinion would be great if you use document fragments to append elements to the dom


everyone should make their own framework in vanilla js, you're already dependent on the js language, why become dependent on 3rd party libraries and companies? i don't see why one would love more abstraction, as a programmer you interact with hardware and manipulate it so don't forget that, the C language is still the best representation of what's happening under the hood


I still use vanilla but the things I love about framework is how easy it is to make smaller component instead of big component. I really not care about spa factor but those component breakdown is great and make things faster. for beginner though I agree vanilla is always the best to explore before.

react suck though it just n1 made by fb but when you use it, it super suck
angular worst
jquery eh okay I guess
vue the best so far so easy to make anything with it
flutter never try it but heard it good


I like the idea of the talk. However, there were some things I noticed that I thought were misleading/wrong.

1. Using the map function on an array does not mean you're using a higher-order function. This is a higher-order function in use with a map. (dumb example but it shows it -- notice the function returning a function so that you can access something else using JavaScript closures).

function convert(converter) {
return function (item) {
return converter.convert(item);

const converter = {
convert(item) {
return item.reverse();

2. Having a function does renders some things to the DOM doesn't inherently make things "functional programming". You start to get into some functional concepts / patterns in state management but I didn't see any pure functions in your slides. Even your state management had side-effects.

On the plus side, I do think that the errors are much better with vanilla javascript. Readability is huge. It's nice to be able to learn from others' websites.


Great talk! I'm also trying to make the world a better place through learning JS in order to help me achieve my ultimate goal of sharing with people about the hope and transformation Jesus makes in your life if you repent and believe in him!
