Comets: Crash Course Astronomy #21

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Today on Crash Course Astronomy, Phil explains comets. Comets are chunks of ice and rock that orbit the Sun. When they get near the Sun the ice turns into gas, forming the long tail, and also releases dust that forms a different tail. We’ve visited comets up close and found them to be lumpy, with vents on the surface that release the gas as ice sublimates. Eons ago, comets (and asteroids) may have brought a lot of water to Earth -- as well as the ingredients for life.
Introduction: Comets 00:00
Comets = Dirty Snowballs 1:19
Comets Have Two Tails 2:52
Short-Term vs Long-Term Comets 4:35
Where do comets come from? 5:06
Comets Up-Close 6:17
What Happens When Comets Hit Earth? 9:15
Review 10:59
Want to find Crash Course elsewhere on the internet?
Comet McNaught [credit: Phil Plait]
[credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
Introduction: Comets 00:00
Comets = Dirty Snowballs 1:19
Comets Have Two Tails 2:52
Short-Term vs Long-Term Comets 4:35
Where do comets come from? 5:06
Comets Up-Close 6:17
What Happens When Comets Hit Earth? 9:15
Review 10:59
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Comet McNaught [credit: Phil Plait]
[credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)]
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