First Step to Self Love (Intimacy With Yourself) - Teal Swan

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Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Only when you do not know yourself, the opinion of other people become important.


You won't believe how long it took me to not push all of my parts away anymore, especially the ones that seem scary. And to understand that simple recognition of it being there and trying to listen to where it comes from and what it sees, is already so much more love than what we've been taught all day long for years and years. Thank you so much for this video! 💜


Wow, incredible. It’s the same thing we do in intimate relationships. When we begin to see someone for who they truly are, we begin to push away the parts of them we don’t want to see anymore. A reflection of us.


She has philosophical intelligence, which is rare and fascinating.


This is as simple as just observing your pain / tension in your body. Paying attention with an openness / without prejudice. Just seeing and then noticing more and more aspects of it as you observe. It will reveal more to you. Like observing an object you see more things you didn’t see before the longer you pay attention. Giving you a more holistic understanding of that thing. Intimate knowledge.


The importance of this can't be expressed enough. The drive that many people have to chase things like relationships, jobs, money, addictions or whatever. That drive is often just a result of the pain they feel that they need to distract themself from. A part within themself that if only they acknowleged and became intimate with it instead like Teal says. Would actually lead them to find the real thing that they are looking for by doing all of those things, which they never find until that happens.


"To relate, is to be compassionate. To be compassionate is to love." -ΙΩΝ


Sometimes I have to be careful with this because I don’t know if anyone can relate but I feel like if I pay too much attention to the negative aspects of myself, the world tends to mirror that back to me which is why I try to maintain a positive focus. I don’t know why spiritual teachers don’t talk about the conflict between positivity and authenticity. It’s almost damn confusing because it almost contradicts each other but they expect us to do both at the same time!


I learned years ago that love rarely looks like what I expected it to or wanted it to therefore I would think I wasn’t loved by others but more so that I couldn’t love me. Huge changes in my life after I realized and understood that.


Self love is knowing my shadow and light.


Understanding what part of you opposes what the other half needs meeting both in the middle to form a union


Being honest that I love the person I am becoming is freeing. My solitude means so much. I replenish my love of life knowing I am connected to the Divine, forever grateful. ❤️


Years ago l read your book and touched. I actually founded you and whatching contents joyfully. Thank you till 😀


Never have I encountered such how wonderfuly Intimacy is articulated. Thank you Teal. ❤


Feel So fortunate that, lately, I don't merely Love Myself "warts and all". Lately, the warts have become my favorite part❣️
Thanks, Teal,
For the Love/Truth bombs!!!! Always arriving Right On Time!


To intimate = from the Latin intimare, to make known. Also, to imply.
Kinda oldskool i know.
It's like a close connection, in the mind - aware. For us to be intimate, have intimacy, we must be aware.
Thanks for reading this ☺️i just figured this out.


I don’t love myself yet but I do love my mentor Teal.


Know yourself...not disavow yourself..
Know. Once you know then you can make intelligent choices. Sometimes it is a hard choice. But it's always yours to make.


Ive been loving myself and didnt even know it! No wonder im better able to put myself first now.💗💗💗


Profoundly impactful; it's akin to a book that's a testament to creativity. "Your Body Your Temple" by Various Authors
