Del 1 Muskel- och skelettbesvär/Muscle and skeletal disorders - 28 maj

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This is a video from the knowledge webinar 28th of May for EU-OSHA's upcoming campaign “Healthy workplaces Lighten the Load” which starts in the autumn 2020 and ends 2022.

Millions of workers across Europe suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). About three in every five workers in the European Union report MSD complaints, based on data from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey.
It makes it one of the most common work-related health problems in the world and also cost employers huge amounts. Working actively with prevention helps improving workers' lives, but it also benefits companies.

In cooperation with:
Arbetsmiljöverket, Suntarbetsliv, Prevent - Arbetsmiljö i samverkan, SKR - Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, TCO, Saco - Sveriges akademikers centralorganisation, Svenskt Näringsliv och LO

Moderator: Sten Haage, StrandbergHaage
Expert commentator: Cecilia Berlin, Chalmers

00:00 - Introduction
08:15 - Statistics - The people behind the figures, which industries and individuals are most at risk? Minke Wersäll, Arbetsmiljöverket
28:48 - Ergonomics – risk assessment of hand intensive repetitive work. Mikael Forsman KTH
1:03:00 - Deskercise with Sofia Bernard, Myndigheten för Arbetsmiljökunskap
1:13:00 - Presentation of the result from the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise new publication "Physical work environment for health, well-being and performance". Cecilia Berlin och Maral Babapour, Chalmers

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