How to create a Microsoft Windows 10 System Image Backup in 9 simple steps plus the restore process.

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Shows you how to access the System Image Backup utility in Windows 10 and create a system image backup that can subsequently be used to restore the machine in the event of a hard disk failure or irrecoverable Windows boot failure.

The video also covers how to restore the system image in the event you need to do so.

If you haven't yet created a System Image Backup I recommend you do so now.

For less serious boot-up problems or system instability, a system restore to a previously saved restore point may be sufficient to address the problem. Details of how to enable system protection (which enables the creation of restore points), how to create, and step back to a previous restore point is covered in the following video:

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Very Clear, Very Short, Very Helpful, many Thanks !


i was using the file history only but wasnt really sure what to do in case windows could not even boot, this will save me in the future i just know it


Thank EUVITECH for this DETAILED & EFFECTIVE video. The image at the end showing a guy with the words "Do It Now" is hilarious.


Sorry, but I tried to do these same steps, and still my backup failed even though I have a hard drive (HDD) with more than 2 TB free disk space. Let me mention that my system is installed in a 500GB drive (an M.2 NVMe SSD), which only has used 330 GB of drive space. So I don't understand why the backup failed. Let me add that the HDD I tried to use was a 3 TB one with 2 TB free of drive space containing a bunch of other files, which takes, of course, about 1 TB of the 3 TB of the HDD. Does it has to be a totally clean HDD for the backup image to work? Btw, I am running Windows 11 Pro. I'm sorry for the long post, but I want to give as much information about my problem to see if someone can help me here. Thanks. 🤔

P.S. I get this message:

The backup failed.

There is not enough disk space to create the volume shadow copy on the storage location. Make sure that, for all volumes to be backup up, the minimum required disk space for shadow copy creation is available. This applies to both the backup storage destination and volumes included in the backup. Minimum requirement: For volumes less than 500 Mb, the minimum is 320 Mb of free space. Recommended: At least 1 Gb of free disk space on each volume if volume size is more than 1 Gb (0x80780119)


Just what I needed. Thanks a lot for this video Bro


Thanks a lot for making this video short and sweet with easy to understand language and clear instructions.


can't proceed past "create disc"...don't have a dvd/cd drive but do have recovery usb...cannot proceed because I don't have a burner?


It fails, there is a notification saying there ia not enough space even if there more tham enough


Any idea I would be getting this error message while trying to copy an 80GB disk image to a reformatted NTFS,
3TB external drive? "There is not enough disk space to create the volume shadow copy on the storage disk location"


Doesnt work, I tried the same, backing up a disk to a larger one almost double its size and was empty. But the program refused to make an image because there was somehow no space.


I hide it because they want you to storge all personal files in the cloud.


Good video but doesnt work under win 11


whats with the audio only having bass.
