Le Lamborghini sono davvero delle auto fantastiche e soprattutto anche il loro Design simonemoresi
Le Lamborghini sono davvero delle auto fantastiche e soprattutto anche il loro Design
This is beautiful I love your cars and my biggest dream is to own a Aventador ❤️ kennich
This is beautiful I love your cars and my biggest dream is to own a Aventador ❤️
You should make this Italian Tour one long video. gamevalor
You should make this Italian Tour one long video.
I would like to join in... but i just need a small loan of a Countach lp5000s chargerdave
I would like to join in... but i just need a small loan of a Countach lp5000s
I'm sorry, but what is the point in a video that has only forty seconds of content? alanzyoutube
I'm sorry, but what is the point in a video that has only forty seconds of content?
Why do you guys make these pointless videos yourcoolbro
Why do you guys make these pointless videos