Olivier Messiaen joue son « Quatuor pour la fin du Temps » avec les frères Pasquier et A. Vacellier

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In memory of the events of 15 January 1941
(uploaded one day before the anniversary of the première)
Stalag VIII-A, Görlitz, Nazi Germany (presently: Zgorzelec, Poland)

Quatuor pour la fin du Temps [Quartet for the End of Time]
en hommage à l'Ange de l'Apocalypse,
qui lève la main vers le ciel en disant :
« Il n'y aura plus de Temps ».
[in homage to the Angel of the Apocalypse,
who lifts his hand towards the heavens and proclaims:
“There shall be Time no longer”.]

Photographs used:
1. Cover of the original release of this recording. Le club français du disque ; 1957
2. Olivier Messiaen: Abîme des oiseaux [original version] pour clarinette seule (Verdun, 1940), manuscript. Facebook, 2022
3. Cover of the programme booklet of the Quatuor pour la fin du Temps première concert (15 January 1941). Badinguet 42; 2017
4. Incipit of the autograph manuscript of the sixth movement of the work. Olivier Messiaen, 1941
5. The première of the quartet (???). Source unknown
Important note: The authenticity of the fifth photograph seems to be called into question, if the bespectacled clothed standing man even is Olivier Messiaen; and the others are apparently Henri Akoka, Jean le Boulaire, and Étienne Pasquier. I have included it in lieu of a photograph of the actual première.

Clarinettist (clarinet in B♭) - André Vacellier (of the Ensemble instrumental à vent de Paris)
Violinist - Jean Pasquier (of the Trio Pasquier; brother of Étienne)
Cellist - Étienne Pasquier (of the Trio Pasquier; cellist at première)
Composer and Pianist - Olivier Messiaen (pianist at première)

00:00 - I. Liturgie de cristal [Liturgy of crystal]. Bien modéré, en poudroiement harmonieux (quatuor)
02:15 - II. Vocalise, pour l'ange qui annonce la fin du Temps [Vocalise, for the angel who announces the end of Time]. Modéré - Presque lent, impalpable, lontain - Modéré (quatuor)
06:10 - III. Abîme des oiseaux [Abyss of birds]. Lent, expressif et triste - Presque vif, gai, capricieux - Lent (clarinette seule)
11:16 - IV. Intermède [Interlude]. Décidé, modéré, un peu vif (trio sans piano)
13:08 - V. Louange à l'éternité de Jésus [Praise to the eternity of Jesus]. Infiniment lent, extatique (violoncelle et piano)
20:53 - VI. Danse de la fureur, pour les sept trompettes [Dance of the furour, for the seven trumpets]. Décidé, vigoureux, granitique, un peu vif (quatuor en unisson)
27:53 - VII. Fouillis d'arcs-en-ciel, pour l'ange qui annonce la fin du Temps [Litters of rainbows, for the angel who announces the end of Time]. Rêveur, presque lent - Robuste, modéré, un peu vif (quatuor)
35:48 - VIII. Louange à l'immortalité de Jésus [Praise to the immortality of Jesus]. Extrêmement lent et tendre, extatique (violon et piano)

Score published by Éditions Durand (copyright for manuscript extracts); part of the Durand-Salabert-Eschig company, 1942
Recording by Accord, recorded and copyright 1956 (Le club français du disque : Collection musique française); remastered by Olivier Saint-Yves and Patricia Lambert and re-released in 2001
℗ 1956 Musidisc, un label Universal Music
© 2001 Musidisc, un label Universal Music

"And then I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, and sware by Him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that 'There shall be Time no longer...', But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished."
Extracts of Revelation 10:1; King James Bible
I advise those who seek information regarding this work to read the books of Rebecca Rischin and Anthony Pople; as there is too great of a multitude of information to speak of, which may never fit within the limits of this description without compromising a great deal.

Selon la description de cette chaîne, je ne possède rien dans cette vidéo. La musique et les performances ont été téléchargées à des fins de divulgation uniquement.
As per the description of this channel, I do not own anything within this video. The music and performances have been uploaded for divulgation purposes only.
Рекомендации по теме

Based Opinion: this is good

I don't care about if you don't have a music degree and how you don't analyze the complex chords rhythms etc. it's good.


Muchas gracias por compartir este registro histórico y excelente, que al contar con el propio autor al piano pone en evidencia muchos detalles de interpretación; me ha resultado de suma utilidad en mi tarea de analizar el cuarteto.


13:08 - V. Louange à l'éternité de Jésus
