What RUINED the March SAT?

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The harder math section really got me. I couldn't finish it in time and ended up getting a higher score on the English section, even as an international student that sometimes struggles with English


I used to watch your videos back when I was applying to college, this is nostalgic


I took an exam in March and got 1390. Planning to take again in May. This time hopefully 1500


My understanding is that my daughter's overall HS Test Average fell significantly from the last paper test.

The prudent advice is likely to abandon the Electronic SAT and take the ACT if time allows. Perhaps this foolishness from the College Board will finally shift the balance towards the ACT.


My son was very disappointed, got a 1470 and a 1460 on two blue book practice tests and then got a 1390 on the real thing.


This was the first time i've ever taken an SAT, I simply signed up and walked in on test day to do the test, and I got a 1350, 760 on math and 590 on english, and I'm not going to lie, the first module for english was very easy but that lead me to underestimating the second module where I was short of time so I ended up guessing a couple of answers at the end of the second module.


Idk whom to be blame for ending up with a shitty score from this march exam, but taking it once again in may . Hope its gonna be better


The math section include percentage of the problems where it had percentage of a percentage problems and then you had to add them or do something like that.


I got a 660 math and 710 reading this March. I had been scoring 1420+ on my practice tests so I was super frustrated. Unfortunately, I cannot invest time in another SAT right now. It really stinks because I studied for months :(


My friends and I took our SATs in different locations and we both brought our school-issued devices (since it already had BlueBook on it). Turns out, our devices didn’t work at these specific testing centers for some reason, my friend had to be kicked out because she couldn’t take the test (at least she got refunded…). Meanwhile, I was lucky that they had some spare laptops at the center I was at. It was a train wreck for me and everyone else who brought a school-issued device. 😞


any advice for bad test takers? i do fine in my classes but once i sit down for a test i fail! pls help!


My daughter was in the top ten percent when she took the psat but now she lost fifty points on the adaptive sat. Just seems like it’s designed to punish smart kids and reward average kids.


I first took the SAT in August last year and scored a 1520. I took it again in March to see if I could do better, and even though I seemed more confident on this test than last year's, I ended up scoring a 1510...I don't know what happened


I remembered that I did a bunch of compare text questions and complete the text questions. I don’t know if the sat would have a harder question bank, but non of the practice tests I did have that many long questions.😢


do international students get a different version of the test? All my friends said it was easy but that they didn't study well enough for it


In your green book Vol 2, page 301 is an error, not the whole page.
Top circle.
The tangent in Quadrant III is "T" POSITIVE.
I witness a discrepancy there.


Hi Brooke, the march sat will it be available on past questions


I got a 1350. I honestly don’t know how to improve. I need to get a 1500 but I already did everything i could


We are considering buying the ACT for a July test and the SAT for a fall test. We live in Japan. Is there a problem hiring a private tutor from your service who can meet in our time zone? It is a 16-hour time difference, ? That is not easy. However, it would only be for a few sessions and a test review to see where issues occur.


I’m a freshman and I’m taking the SAT in June. I’ve taken 2 practice tests in 2 different books (1st book 1240 2nd book 1400.) The 2nd book had much more problem solving while the 1st book had more geometry/trig, and both tests I’ve scored 740 in English. Should I try to teach myself trigonometry or should I just focus on questions that I got wrong and learn how to do them?
