596. Phil Collins revisited

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My PO Box is: Leland Sklar
PO Box 92316
600 Lincoln Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91109-9998
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Hey Leland, mate, this channel is successful because of you, your personality, your stories and the amazing body of work you have spent a lifetime creating and are now sharing and celebrating all the memories with us.
As for the whole Covid-19 thing... you have been a Godsend.
As a road sweeper operator, you were the 1st to shout out to all of us in the invisible services that scuttle about unseen... just doing our thing... well your messages ment heaps...
I salute you sir for your humanity and love... and I in New Zealand... so you effect has been far reaching.

Thank you Cliff
From New Zealand


Don't ever stop thanking the healthcare workers!! I was telling the nurse taking care of me last week when I was in a metro hospital how you show such appreciation for the work they are doing through this Covid crap. She was so impressed and said to tell you personally, "thank you".


Absolutely beautiful Leland. You keep on saying whatever you want sir. Be careful on that ladder.


Just want to add my three penny-worth. This IS your thing to share with us Sklarites. And for an "idle" musician, you are incredibly busy.
Pay the naysayers no heed. 99.99% of us are so grateful for the rich stitches you have put into our life tapestry over last 15 - 16 months of this wretched
covid thing. It has been of great help to all of us and you as well. Hell, we like riding up front of the Pasadena Express with all the cats
and a couple of howlin' dogs as well, of course, The Squeaky Chair. Cheers old chap. A Sklarite in London, UK.


Leland, this is your channel, you do all the work posting your videos, you dont owe anybody any apologies. Thank you for what you do and for showing respect to the front line and health workers that put their lives on the line to save others.


Your daily shout outs to front line workers is SO much appreciated! I am very grateful for their efforts and sacrifices. They are truly heroes! When this is all over, they are all going to need our help big time. What they have endured is unimaginable. Thank You Lee!


As a retired EMS pilot, THANK YOU for giving a shout out to front line folks. They deserve it! By the way, nice song. Nice bass to.


Do Not quit doing YOUR channel! Some other people have their heads up their pants. It's such a pleasure to hear you speak up to the heroes in ALL of our lives. PLEASE stay who you are during the remainder of your channel, or until you draw your last breath, which I hope is a way long time from now!!! WE ALL LOVE YOU!


Hi, Lee and everyone! I am so happy that you are getting back on the road, Lee. Unfortunately, I will not be within 900 miles of your venues. I look forward to the next opportunity.

About your comments regarding your celebration of those who serve and sacrifice during COVID times - that precious expression of humanity that you exhibit every day elevates the music for one of its noble intentions, to offer comfort. So, to anyone who says ‘stop doing that’ - they can take it someplace else.

Thank you, Lee, for making this corner of the world a better place every damn day.


Beautiful bass. Beautiful man. I truly appreciate your concern for humanity. Change not a thing, Lee.


Great video and bass performance! Take care on the roof and do stay healthy! 🍀🍀🍀


Good evening Leland, thanks so much for your comment regarding the shoutouts to the ones fighting the Covid crisis. I totally agree with you: If there are people who do not like your humanitarian approach, they should go elsewhere! I am pretty sure that the was majority of people following your channel appreciate your love for music, your contribution to the music world for over 50 years, and your general view on humanity. So please keep up with it and I hope the morons will shut up at some time. I just can‘t thank you enough for sharing your views and people should rather benefit from your views than critizising what you are expressing on your channel where you have any right to express what you want!


Hi Doc! I love it when you share your memories with Phil! Thank you again for the autograph book of yours! Please stay safe and well and thank you again for thinking about us, healthcare workers and essential workers! You are so loved Leland!


Today was really good! Beautiful tune! Just be careful! Don't hurt yourself...


I'm 60 + years and still have nightmares about the roofing jobs we did on the cheap without scaffolding. Hire a dude with a cherry picker please.
Your playing along with PC today was lovely, thanks for that. And your appreciation for those that are doing the caring proves to be a powerful medicine in itself. Not only for the music, I've tuned in to your channel over the last 15 months for your positivity. Stick with the winning formula!


Leland, please keep on doing what you do - playing great music, playing great bass, telling some great stories and possibly the most impressive of all - having a genuine appreciation for humanity and the absolutely vital contributions to society, which working people make. Thank you and thank you to health workers, everywhere.


What a beautiful song, never heard it before, shame on me! Thanks Leland! ❤️🙏


Lee, your daily shout out to the first responders, doctors and nurses, and other brave folks working to help others is admirable -not political. COVID is a global pandemic that doesn't care about politics.


Loved this.
Thanks for playing.
It's always a bonus.
I can't recall seeing this bonny bass before.


Always a pleasure to watch you play.
A true master of the bass...❤❤✌👍
