The Warning at Foro DiDi LIVE / EN VIVO (Full Concert/Concierto completo)

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The Warning presents its new album “Queen of the Murder Scene” at Foro DiDi - Monterrey, Mexico - June 14, 2019

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Set List

The Warning - Dust To Dust 1:41
The Warning - Unmendable 6:13
The Warning - Crimson Queen 10:48
The Warning - UGH 15:20
The Warning - The One 19:50
The Warning - When I'm Alone 24:50
The Warning - Stalker 29:36
The Warning - Red Hands Never Fade 34:23
The Warning - The Sacrifice 38:14
The Warning - XXI Century Blood 43:38
The Warning - Black Holes (Don't Hold On) 48:55
The Warning - Sinister Smiles 54:11
The Warning - Dull Knives (Cut Better) 59:32
The Warning - Queen Of The Murder Scene 1:03:04
The Warning - Copper Bullets 1:07:38
The Warning - Hunter 1:11:30
The Warning - The End (Stars Always Seem To Fade) 1:16:09
The Warning - Narcisista 1:20:30
The Warninh - Survive 1:25:35
The Warning - P.S.Y.C.H.O.T.I.C 1:31:39


I'm 70 years old and just heard some of the best rock ever.


Pau is one of the most phenomenal drummers I’ve seen come around in a long time. To be able to sing and play like that is unreal.


Could care less what their ages are—-DPA are incredible then and now—-just so happens this is one of their finest live performances, and queen of the murder scene is one of the best and creative albums of the 21st century


They may have evolved a huge amount after this, but I find Queen of the Murder Scene absolutely brilliant, and I´m really glad I could find a great live presentation containing the entire album.


I still need to remind myself here that these girls were 14, 17 and 19 years old during this concert. Holy crap! Two of them can't vote yet, and they are already on a level that most live bands can only dream of.
Don't you girls ever stop working together and being this extremely creative. Don't you dare. You'll have your problems and your conflicts. But you owe it to yourself and to the world to work it out, to keep on growing and and to continue to be as awesome as you are. You're just one step away from turning awesome into eternally legendary.


Possibly the best drummer/singer I have ever seen.


OMG, what the hell did I just witness? I will answer my own question. I am a 78 yr old Old Time Hippy who just witnessed a performance of the very best rock band I have ever seen or heard and I do mean the very best! From the start to the finish these 3 sisters blew me away like I had never been blown away before! Musically speaking this band, "The Warning", is, "of a higher order of Being", which is why I have been watching them for at least 4 hrs a day since I discovered them 3 mths ago! Rock On Ladies, Rock On!


I haven't gotten hooked on a band this quickly since I heard Pantera or Metallica back in the 3 Ladies are a POWERFUL force on stage.


I am proud to say 3 of my grandaughters are now "Warned."
Ages 6, 7, 10.
I can't think of a better example of talented young ladies for them to look up to.


So glad to have found you talented young women! I’m 54 and so sick of hearing all the “classic rock” over and over again. You’re a breath of fresh air in a stagnant music industry. Keep plugging away!


Just discovered them half an hour ago, can't help myself, I'm watching the entire video


I don't know how many times I've watched this entire concert but I know every time I do I can't help but smile and feel joy. The lyrics are dark, the story is disturbing, the melody in each song haunting and all of it is brilliantly written and performed. Better still, if you look closely, Ale smiles and they all are having such an obviously joyful experience doing exactly what they were born to do.


The way Dany carried on with Crimson Queen when her guitar mic pickup failed, turned into an extra special performance. ❤️😎👍


This is one of their best performance back in time, it's crazy to see how far they've go🥹🤘🏻


I'm so grateful these girls exist! One of my all-time favorite bands. They're doing so much to bring back classic hard rock, which the world has been missing for decades.


33 original songs and not one that doesn't impress me in some way. And then the musicianship, the singing, the harmonies, the energy; the unique, individual, fun and charismatic on-stage personalities of each member. Wish, wish, wish I was a writer for Rolling But then this trio is paving their own path. And maybe even blazing a new one that similarly talented musicians and bands will one day

I'm definitely with them for the long haul...


These three girls are delivering more energy than a 7 to 8 member ROCK band of highly skilled experienced musicians. This phenomenon may never again be repeated in this century using conventional instuments, and a 3 member group composing and delivering their own music. Happy Birthday to Daniela Villarreal


I'm 57 years old and I have never seen a band with so much talent. Their song writing skills are way beyond their age. See you in Seattle on April 5th.. Viva Mexico


These girls are professional live musicians. You can argue all day and night if you like their music or not. I find them delightful.
